Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 4: Quality Education

Quality Education

Progress towards quality education was already slower than required before the pandemic, but COVID-19 has had devastating impacts on education, causing learning losses in four out of five of the 104 countries studied.

Without additional measures, an estimated 84 million children and young people will stay out of school by 2030 and approximately 300 million students will lack the basic numeracy and literacy skills necessary for success in life.

In addition to free primary and secondary schooling for all boys and girls by 2030, the aim is to provide equal access to affordable vocational training, eliminate gender and wealth disparities, and achieve universal access to quality higher education.

Education is the key that will allow many other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be achieved. When people are able to get quality education they can break from the cycle of poverty.

Education helps to reduce inequalities and to reach gender equality. It also empowers people everywhere to live more healthy and sustainable lives. Education is also crucial to fostering tolerance between people and contributes to more peaceful societies.

To deliver on Goal 4, education financing must become a national investment priority. Furthermore, measures such as making education free and compulsory, increasing the number of teachers, improving basic school infrastructure and embracing digital transformation are essential.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II

Leadership Initiative for Transformation and Empowerment

LITE-Africa 1999 Warri Nigeria G

Leading Edge International Research Group

LERG 1988 Yelm WA USA G

League of European Research Universities

LERU 2002 Leuven Belgium F

League of Islamic Universities

1953 Cairo Egypt D

Learner Research Network

The Learner 1989 Champaign IL USA F c

Learning Disabilities Worldwide

LDW 1965 Weston MA USA N

Learning Enterprises

1992 Washington DC USA N

Learning Environments Australasia

A4LE Beechworth VIC Australia G

Learning for Life

LFL London UK G

Learning for Well-being Foundation

L4WB 2004 Amsterdam Netherlands F f

Learning in Higher Education

LiHE 2007 Copenhagen Denmark F

Learning Initiative on Citizen Participation and Local Governance

LogoLink 2001 Sao Paulo Brazil G

Learning Network on Capacity Development

LenCD 2004 J


2007 Seattle WA USA G


2016 Sollentuna Sweden J v

Legion of Good Will

LGW 1950 Sao Paulo Brazil G

LEGO Foundation

1986 Billund Denmark G f

Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation

DIPF 1951 Frankfurt-Main Germany N j

Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient

ZMO 1996 Berlin Germany N


2005 Madrid Spain C

Leisure Studies Association

LSA 1975 Bolton UK N

Leonard Cheshire Disability

1948 London UK F f

Leopold Zunz Centre for the Study of European Jewry

1998 Halle (Saale) Germany G

Les Anneaux de la Mémoire

1991 Nantes France F

Les Médias Francophones Publics

MFP 2016 Paris France F

Lessons for Life

London UK G f

Lester B Pearson United World College of the Pacific

1974 Victoria BC Canada G

Let's Promote Europe

LPE 2019 Saarbrücken Germany J

Letterstedt Society

1875 Stockholm Sweden E v

Leukemia Patient Advocates Foundation

LePAF Riemerling Germany J f

Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies

Leuven Belgium G

Leveraging Education into Organisations - Network

LEO-NET 1999 Eindhoven Netherlands F

Levi Strauss Foundation

LSF 1952 Diegem Belgium G f

LEXIA International

Cambridge MA USA G

Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali, Guido Carli

LUISS Rome Italy G

Libertarian Foundation for Human Assistance

LIFHAS 1985 Schijf Netherlands G f

Libertas International

2009 Alicante Spain F

Liberty Asia


Liberty International

1989 Dallas TX USA F

Library Assembly of Eurasia

LAE 1992 Moscow Russia F

Library for All

New York NY USA G

Library of Political and International Studies

LPIS Teheran Iran Islamic Rep G

Libre organisation mondiale d'aide aux réfugiés

LOMAR 2004 Marseille France G

Lie Detectors

2017 Brussels Belgium G

Life for Relief and Development

1992 Southfield MI USA G

LIFE Network

2000 Ober-Ramstadt Germany J

Life-Link Friendship-Schools

1987 Uppsala Sweden G

Lifelong Learning Platform - European Civil Society for Education

LLLP 2005 Brussels Belgium F y

Lifewater International

1978 Bentonville AR USA G

Liga Latinoamericana par el Estudio del TDAH

