Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Responsible Consumption & Production

Goal 12 is about ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns, which is key to sustain the livelihoods of current and future generations.

Our planet is running out of resources, but populations are continuing to grow. If the global population reaches 9.8 billion by 2050, the equivalent of almost three planets will be required to provide the natural resources needed to sustain current lifestyles.

We need to change our consumption habits, and shifting our energy supplies to more sustainable ones are one of the main changes we must make if we are going to reduce our consumption levels. However, global crises triggered a resurgence in fossil fuel subsidies, nearly doubling from 2020 to 2021.

We are seeing promising changes in industries, including the trend towards sustainability reporting being on the rise, almost tripling the amount of published sustainability over just a few years, showing increased levels of commitment and awareness that sustainability should be at the core of business practices.

Food waste is another sign of over consumption, and tackling food loss is urgent and requires dedicated policies, informed by data, as well as investments in technologies, infrastructure, education and monitoring. A staggering 931 million tons of food is wasted a year, despite a huge number of the global population going hungry.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II

Secretariat of the Basel Convention

SBC Geneva Switzerland E g

Secretariat of the Convention of Wetlands

1987 Gland Switzerland E g

Secretariat of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals

UNEP/CMS Bonn Germany E g


2004 London UK F


1970 Milpitas CA USA F

SERRV International

1949 Madison WI USA G

Serve the City International

2005 Brussels Belgium F

Service Civil International

SCI 1920 Antwerp Belgium B

Service Volontaire International

SVI 2009 Brussels Belgium E

Service- og Tjenestebranchens Union i Norden

SUN Stockholm Sweden D

Serviteurs de Marie-Immaculée

1885 Nowe Miasto nad Pilica Poland R

SETAC Latin America

Sao Paulo Brazil K

Sewn Products Equipment and Suppliers of the Americas

SPESA 1990 Raleigh NC USA N

SGC International

1972 Kennesaw GA USA N

SGI Europe

1961 Brussels Belgium E

Shell Foundation

2000 London UK G f

Small Business Standards

SBS 2013 Brussels Belgium D y

Smart City Business America Institute

SCBA 2013 Sao Paulo Brazil D j


Smart Energy Europe 2011 Brussels Belgium D

SME Finance Forum

2012 Washington DC USA F y

SME Global

Brussels Belgium E


Lagos Nigeria F f


1980 Brussels Belgium D y

Social Accountability Accreditation Services

SAAS 1997 New York NY USA E

Social Accountability International

SAI 1997 New York NY USA G

Social Enterprise International

SEi 1994 Whitby UK G

Social Enterprise World Forum

SEWF 2008 Glasgow UK F c

Social Firms Europe

CEFEC 1990 Suceava Romania D

Social Venture Network Europe

SVN Europe 1993 Amstelveen Netherlands F

Sociedad Latinoamericana de Auditoría de Servicios de Salud

SLASS 1999 Buenos Aires Argentina D

Sociedad Mesoamericana para la Biologia y la Conservación

SMBC 1996 D

Societas Europaea Herpetologica

SEH 1979 Berlin Germany D

Société de promotion et de participations pour la coopération économique, Paris

PROPARCO 1977 Paris France G e

Société internationale pour l'enseignement commercial

SIEC 1901 Peoria IL USA C

Society for Conservation and Protection of Environment


Society for Conservation Biology

SCB 1985 Washington DC USA F

Society for Conservation GIS

SCGIS 1997 N

Society for Consumer Affairs Professionals in Europe

SOCAPiE Symington UK D t

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

SIAM 1952 Philadelphia PA USA G

Society for International Development

SID 1957 Rome Italy B y

Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals

SMRP 1992 Atlanta GA USA G t

Society for Social Studies of Science

4S 1975 Falls Church VA USA D

Society for the Conservation of Endangered Carnivores and their International Ecological Study


Society for the Conservation of Reef Fish Aggregations

SCRFA Hong Kong Hong Kong D

Society for the Preservation of the Natural History Collections

SPNHC 1985 New York NY USA G

Society of Chemical Industry

SCI 1881 London UK G t

Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals in Business

SOCAP International 1973 Goodyear AZ USA G t

Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

SETAC 1979 Brussels Belgium F v

Society of International Business Fellows

SIBF 1981 Atlanta GA USA C

Society of Professional Economists

SPE 1953 Andover UK G tv
