title:Geographic scope
Evaluation will be a continuing working practice at each step of the project’s development. Key managerial staff in each of the partner organisations will work as a joint review team, monitoring work schedules and progress reports to ensure the project remains focussed on its targets and maximum project coordination is achieved.
The INTERCEPT project has been developed as direct off-shoot from the INFO2000 programme, identifying a series of new project development options which were not originally envisioned or accounted for by INFO2000. In this respect, while the central aims of INTERCEPT have emerged from the research and development of INFO2000, building upon that body of work, INTERCEPT represents a series of clearly identified project target areas for what can be considered new commercial and project related development.
INTERCEPT phases and activities:
The features used in the development and delivery of the information product and its services are not new or created for this project. What is new is the application of these techniques to the integrated management of information of this kind.
The contextual planning methodology behind this project -- using lateral linkages, cross sectoral analysis, inter disciplinary approaches and highlighting complex patterns of relationship between issues -- is an important development in the practical application of sustainable development principles.
An open and responsive information structure:
A prime objective of this project is to offer users new ways of understanding, and interacting with, complex webs of relationships relevant to environment policy and sustainable development.
Inclusive data management framework: The difference of this product/service from other existing information services, and hence the viability of the product/service, is highly dependent on integration of several processes, in particular:
INTERCEPT activity will develop an interactive information service (and products) for use by environmental professionals, policymakers and the business sector in developing countries, and everyone in the international community concerned with biological conservation (INFO2000) and sustainable development (infoDev).
Information content: The INFO2000 "product" is an integrated multimedia resource package drawing on a wide range of different organisations and sources, to provide interlinked and globally comprehensive information concerning:
This proposed infoDev project is an independent extension of a project begun under the aegis of the INFO2000 programme of the European Commission (Directorate General XIII)
The infoDev INTERCEPT project is the development of an Internet-based environmental planning tool for use in developing countries. The project extends the INFO2000 global biodiversity information system (under development) and in its first full year is significantly supported by INFO2000. INTERCEPT also builds on the international network relations and further electronic communications systems of key project partners (UIA / WCMC / DA), involving several thousand organisations and environmental agencies internationally.
Excluding World Bank staffing support
TOTAL REQUESTED FROM infoDev $ 250,000
1998 INFO2000 $ 90,000 1998 (Oct) infoDev $ 30,000 1998 DA $ 20,000 $ 140,000 |
1999 INFO2000 $ 90,000 |