International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

International Association for Pattern Recognition

IAPR 1978 Madison NJ USA C XD6418

International Association for Plant Taxonomy

IAPT 1950 Bratislava Slovakia C XC1202

International Association for Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management


International Association for Promoting Geoethics

IAPG 2012 Rome Italy C XJ8440

International Association for Public Participation

IAP2 1990 Louisville CO USA C XN6634

International Association for Radiation Research

IARR 1962 Dublin Ireland C y XD2500

International Association for Reconciliation Studies

IARS 2020 Jena Germany C AA2241

International Association for Religious Freedom

IARF 1900 London UK C y XC1205

International Association for Research in Income and Wealth

IARIW 1947 Ottawa ON Canada C y XC1206

International Association for Research on Epstein-Barr Virus and Associated Diseases

EBV Association Brighton UK C XN4759

International Association for Research on Pottery of the Hellenistic Period

IARPotHP 2011 Würzburg Germany C v AA5178

International Association for Safety and Survival Training

IASST 1980 Southampton UK C XC0096

International Association for Sediment Water Science

IASWS 1984 Ljubljana Slovenia C XD2896

International Association for Semiotic Studies

IASS-AIS 1969 C XC4413

International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology

IASSIST 1976 Philadelphia PA USA C v XC0051

International Association for Spectral Imaging

IASIM 2006 C c XJ0742

International Association for Stability, Handling and Use of Liquid Fuels

IASH 1986 Atlanta GA USA C v XD3601

International Association for Suicide Prevention

IASP 1960 Washington DC USA C y XC1210

International Association for Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition

IASMEN 1993 Zurich Switzerland C v XD4116

International Association for Sustainable Economy

IASE 2020 London UK C AA3845

International Association for Task-Based Language Teaching


International Association for the Cognitive and Evolutionary Sciences of Religion

IACESR 2006 C XM6372

International Association for the Distributive Trade

1952 Brussels Belgium C t XC1233

International Association for the Economics of Beer and Brewing

Beeronomics Society 2009 Leuven Belgium C XM6287

International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement

IEA 1958 Amsterdam Netherlands C v XC1217
