International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Society for Interests of Active Missionaries Abroad

SIAMA 1970 Leiden Netherlands U x XN0809

Society for International Education, Science and Culture

SIESC Taipei Taiwan U x XG6818

Society for International Folk Dancing

SIFD Hope Valley UK U x XN0294

Society for International Numismatics

SIN 1960 Santa Monica CA USA U x XN2761

Society for International Nutrition Research

SINR U n XN9794

Society for International Sister Schools

SISS Philadelphia PA USA U x XG5874

Society for International Veterinary Symposia

SIVS U x XU6587

Society for Japanese Arts

1937 Bergeyk Netherlands U x XN4865

Society for Middle East Studies, Florence

1995 U x XG8208

Society for Multivariate Experimental Psychology - European Branch

U d XE4406

Society for Oriental Researches

1935 Kyoto Japan U x XN7384

Society for Slavic Studies

1983 Vienna Austria U x XG3100

Society for Social and International Cooperation

SSIC Winksele Belgium U x XG2024

Society for Social Responsibility in Science

SSRS U d XD3233

Society for Studies in International Political Economy

1972 U s XU5776

Society for Study of Ethnic Medical Problems

Sheffield UK U x XN1275

Society for the Defense of Human Rights in Central Asia

Moscow Russia U x XG6184

Society for the Management of Electronic Biodiversity Data

SMEBD 2000 U d XJ2616

Society for the Natural History and Ethnology of East Asia

Hamburg Germany U x XG9349

Society for the Prevention and Cure of Blindness

1960 Karachi Pakistan U x XN3475

Society for the Promotion of Interdisciplinary Projects in Latin America

Berlin Germany U x XG6972

Society for the Protection of East Asians' Human Rights

SPEAHR New York NY USA U x XG0030

Society for the Study of Internationalism

SSI 1980 U x XG0383

Society for the Study of Islamic Philosophy and Science

SSIPS 1970 New York NY USA U x XN6066

Society for the Study of Myth and Tradition

New York NY USA U x XN3184
