International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

South Asian Humanist Network

1995 U d XF4322

South Asian Institute for Peace Studies

SAIPS Kathmandu Nepal U jx XG9340

South Asian Literature Society

SALS London UK U x XN4913

South Asian Peace Council

2000 U x XJ3604

South Asian People's Action Network

SAPAN Delhi India U x XN6566

South Asian Regional College - Integrative and Alternative Healing - of the World University, Varanasi

U ds XK2046

South Asian Service Industries Forum

SASIF U dt XF0901

South Asian Small Arms Network

SASA Net 2003 U d XF7072

South Asian Strategic Stability Institute

SASSI London UK U dj XJ7381

South Asian Studies Institute, Beijing

1964 U jx XG3283

South Asian Vegetable Research Network


South Asian Women's Caucus

SAWC 1995 Dhaka Bangladesh U x XF3591

South Asian Women's Group

Toronto ON Canada U x XN4877

South Asian Women's NETwork

SAWNET 1991 U x XN9021

South Asian Women's Studies and Support Group

Camberwell VIC Australia U x XG4142

South Asians Against Nukes

U x XG8657

South Atlantic Caribbean Ports Association

Georgetown SC USA U x XN2020

South Atlantic Peace and Cooperation Zone

1986 U gx XF6189

South Atlantic Rim Association

SARA 1991 U px XJ4454

South Atlantic Treaty Organization

SATO U dgp XJ4455

South Bank

Jakarta Indonesia U gpx XK0289

South Commission

1987 U d XE0966

South East Asia Glaucoma Interest Group

SEAGIG 1997 U dv XM1659

South East Asia Women's Information Network


South East Asian Centre for Bioethics

SEACB 1987 Manila Philippines U x XN7156
