International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

International Policy Network

IPN 1971 U d XQ2902

International Polio Network

IPN 1985 U d XF4602

International Polish Media Circle

IPMC U x XN4100

International Political Science Research Committee on Women and Developing Nations

Chandigarh India U x XN5945

International Pollution Organization

U x XU3430

International Polymer Institute

IPI Leuven Belgium U jx XN4577

International Polytechnic Higher Institute

1984 U dj XN9175

International Popular Theatre Alliance

U x XG5882

International Population and Family Association

IPFA 1994 U x XN7595

International Population Genetics Group

U x XU4552

International Population Institute

1972 U dj XU0753

International Portage Association

IPA 1990 U dv XD2457

International Porter Protection Group

IPPG 1997 Bonville NSW Australia U d XJ4611

International Possibilities Unlimited

IPU 1997 Washington DC USA U x XN9778

International Post-Dogmatist Group

IPDG Winston-Salem NC USA U x XN9014

International Post-Graduate Management Centre, Warsaw

Warsaw Poland U x XG6878

International Postcard Collectors Association

IPCA 1969 U d XU0029

International Pot and Kettle Clubs

IPKC 1928 Tacoma WA USA U x XN2410

International Poverty and Health Network

IPHN 1997 U d XF6317

International Power Engineering Agency

U s XU6486

International Praesidium on Mining

U x XJ2694

International Prayer Fellowship

IPF 1966 Lake Junaluska NC USA U x XN3247

International Prepaid Communications Association

IPCA 1995 Washington DC USA U x XN5164

International Preparatory Committee of World Festivals of Youth and Students

1947 U d XF5015

International Prepress Association

IPA 1897 U d XF2941
