International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

International Association of Food Industry Suppliers

IAFIS 1911 U dt XN8047

International Association of Former Prisoners of Concentration Camps

Moscow Russia U x XN8079

International Association of Friends of Angkor Wat

1988 U d XE1666

International Association of Gandhian Studies

IAGS U d XE1628

International Association of Government-licensed Women Pilots

U x XU1836

International Association of Governmental Fair Agencies

IAGFA 1966 Olympia WA USA U x XN0110

International Association of Governmental Labor Officials

IAGLO 1914 U d XU0266

International Association of Graphic Arts Professionals

IAGAP U tx XN8002

International Association of Graphic Communications

U d XU9753

International Association of Great Lakes Ports

IAGLP 1960 Toronto ON Canada U bx XN0649

International Association of Group Psychology

U x XJ0709

International Association of Hazardous Materials Technicians

IAHMT 2004 U d XM1314

International Association of Health and Therapy Instruments

1974 Tokyo Japan U x XN5740

International Association of Health Professionals in Rehabilitation

IAPHR 1997 U dt XN9126

International Association of Health Underwriters

IAHU 1930 U x XU2846

International Association of Hemochromatosis Societies

IAHS U x XJ7290

International Association of Hewlett-Packard Computing Professionals

INTEREX 1973 Sunnyvale CA USA U tx XN3066

International Association of Holistic Health Practitioners

IAHHP 1970 U x XN0227

International Association of Home Improvement Council

IAHIC 1974 U x XU1080

International Association of Home Safety and Security Professionals

IAHSSP 1992 Erie PA USA U xt XN6369

International Association of Hospitality Accountants

IAHA 1953 U n XN3150

International Association of Hostess Service

U x XU3083

International Association of Hotel Owners

U d XU9378

International Association of Immigrant Women

Stockholm Sweden U x XG1304

International Association of Independent Colleges and Universities

IAICU 1981 U x XG9742
