International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

International Association Forum

IAF 1988 U d XG4090

International Association Legions of Honor


International Association Managers Inc

IAMI U sx XG5129

International Association of 'Country Relays'

1965 U d XU1424

International Association of Academic General Practice

U dp XU1649

International Association of Academies of Silences

U d XM0089

International Association of Addictions and Offender Counselors

IAAOC 1974 Fairfield CT USA U vx XN4474

International Association of African and American Black Business People

1986 U x XN3008

International Association of African Non Governmental Organizations

IAAN U d XM4091

International Association of Aged Care

U x XJ1829

International Association of Air Travel Couriers

IAATC 1989 Scottsbluff NE USA U x XN8000

International Association of Airborne Veterans

1981 U x XN4297

International Association of Aircargo Consolidators

IAAC U de XU1148

International Association of Amateur Boat Builders

IAABB 1980 U x XG0442

International Association of Angiosperm Paleontology

U d XU9831

International Association of Aquatic Vascular Plant Biologists

1975 U d XJ1753

International Association of Arab and Islamic Studies

Calgary AB Canada U x XG8201

International Association of Audio Information Services

IAAIS 1977 Anchorage AK USA U x XN4675

International Association of Automotive Modelers

IAAM 1950 U d XG0902

International Association of Biscuit Manufacturers

1958 U ds XU0185

International Association of Black and White Men Together: a Gay Multiracial Organization

1981 San Francisco CA USA U x XN1897

International Association of Black Business Educators

1978 Silver Spring MD USA U x XN3880

International Association of Boalt Alumni

U x XU2062

International Association of Boards of Examiners in Optometry

IAB 1919 U n XN2006

International Association of Bodily Damage

U d XJ4153
