International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

International Association of Pastoral Counselors

IAPC Dallas TX USA U x XN9035

International Association of Pediatric Laboratory Medicine

IAPLM 1994 U d XG5337

International Association of Personal Protection Specialists

IAPPS 1977 Santa Clara CA USA U x XN8605

International Association of Photographers

U x XU1274

International Association of Physical Therapists in Animal Practice

IAPTAP Rockville MD USA U x XJ5275

International Association of Political Scientists for the United Nations

IAPSUN 1986 U d XE0627

International Association of Presentation Professionals

IAPP 1984 U dt XN5316

International Association of Prevention Programs

IAPP 1976 Carefree AZ USA U x XG6312

International Association of Professional Bureaucrats

INATAPROBU 1968 Whitesboro TX USA U tx XN3175

International Association of Professional Security Consultants

IAPSC 1984 Newport Beach CA USA U tx XN1391

International Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services

IAPSRS 1974 U n XD0157

International Association of Quality Circles

1977 Cincinnati OH USA U n XU2363

International Association of Railway Employees

U d XU9754

International Association of Rattan Manufacturers and Importers

IARMI 1954 U d XU4510

International Association of Research in Mother Tongue Education

MTE 1990 U d XE0884

International Association of Russian Mothers

1992 Moscow Russia U x XN5681

International Association of Sales Process Consultants

IASPC Carson City NV USA U x XQ0211

International Association of Sales Professionals

1932 U tx XN6370

International Association of Sand Castle Builders

IASCB 1988 Akron OH USA U x XN3906

International Association of Satellite Users and Suppliers

1980 U x XN2226

International Association of Science Clubs

IASC 1982 Freshwater UK U x XG1400

International Association of Scientific-Technical Societies of the Consumer Goods Industry

U tx XU0020

International Association of Security Service

IASS 1973 U x XG4410

International Association of Service Companies

IASCO 1981 U n XG6949

International Association of Short Sea Liner Services

1967 U d XU0942
