International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Supply-Chain Council

SCC 1996 U d XM1213

Support Center International

New York NY USA U x XG0233

Support Centre for Food Development

SCFD 1994 U d XG4497

Support Group of the Peace Process in Colombia

U gx XJ1071

Support Group to Contadora

1985 U dg XF2102

Support Network for the Capacity Development of Cooperatives

RADEC-COOP 1994 Cotonou Benin U x XF3981

Support Programme for Evaluation Activities in Research

SPEAR Programme Brussels Belgium U gx XK0255

Supranational Independent Thinking Organization

SITO 1985 London UK U x XF0526

Supreme Committee of the Estonian-Latvian-Lithuanian Democratic Movement

U s XU0070

Supreme Council of the Danube

1993 U px XJ5975

Supreme Court Presidents of South America, Portugal and Spain

U gx XJ6633

Supreme Interallied War Council

U dg XU9387

Supreme Ladies Auxiliary Knights of St John

SLAKSJ 1900 U x XR0169

Supreme Religious Council of the Transcaucasian People

U x XU2488

Surinamese Human Rights Bureau

U x XU1531

Surrey University Centre for Commonwealth and European Education and Development


Surveillance et défense de la liberté de presse en Africa de l'Ouest

SDPL U x XF3627

Survival of American Indian Association

SAIA 1964 Olympia WA USA U x XN1179

Sussex European Research Centre

U d XG1228

Sustainability Challenge Foundation

SCF 1994 U df XN7161

Sustainable Base Re-use Institute

SBRI Marina CA USA U jx XG9248

Sustainable Cities Project

1993 U dg XK1848

Sustainable Development and Employment Alliance

1996 U d XE2843

Sustainable Development and Utilization

SDU U dg XK1509

Sustainable Development Communications Network

SDCN 1996 U dy XF5746
