International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Rhenish Confederation of 1806-1813

1806 U dg XU1176

Rhodesians Worldwide

U x XU1799

Richard Hatch Fan Fellowship

1984 Thornton Heath UK U x XN4246

Rickman Owners Club International

1976 Los Angeles CA USA U x XN0275

Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration

RISEBA 1992 Riga Latvia U n XJ2509

Right Turn International

RTI 1924 Nashville TN USA U x XG8102

Rights and Humanity

1986 U d XF2981

Rights and Liberties for People from the Maghreb and for the Maghreb

Noisy-le-Grand France U x XG3010

Rights Equality and Diversity

RED Network U dy XJ6286

River Basin Information System

RBIS Nairobi Kenya U d XJ4488

River Niger Basin Development Fund

1980 Niamey Niger U fgx XF2529

Rivers Watch East and Southeast Asia

RWESA 2000 U dy XF6135

Rizzuto Foundation

1961 Buenos Aires Argentina U fx XG1289

RMIT Global Cities Research Institute

2007 U dj XM3927

Road Racers Association for International Luge

RAIL 1990 Northridge CA USA U x XQ2978

Road Safety Action in Europe

U d XM1801

Robert Plant International Fan Club

RPIFC 1984 Seattle WA USA U x XN3203

Robert Schuman Institute of Journalism

1988 U djv XF0842

Roberto Longhi Foundation for the Study of the History of Art

1971 Florence Italy U fx XN3599

Robotics International

RI-SME 1980 Dearborn MI USA U x XN2480

ROC-NORD Network

U d XK0521

Rock-Art Network for Southeast Asia and the Pacific

U d XJ1749

Rocket Genetic Resources Network

1994 U d XF4886

Rodin Foundation

U dfs XU1249

Roger de le Pasture - Rogier van der Weyden

Tournai Belgium U x XN3032
