International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Rencontres internationales

U x XU1053

Rendez-vous musique nouvelle

1972 Forbach France U x XN0138

Renewable Energies for Buildings in European Cities with Historical Centres


Renewable Energy and International Law

REIL 2014 U d XJ0234

Renewable Energy Info Center

1972 U x XN0565

Renforcement des capacités africaines de maintien de la paix

RECAMP 1997 Paris France U gx XG1674

Republicans Abroad International

1978 Washington DC USA U x XN1708

Reputation Institute

RI 1997 U dj XM3736

Rescue Communication Network

1982 U d XF1796

Rescue International Assistance League

RIAL 1899 Viry-Châtillon France U x XG1485

Research and Action Group on Romani Linguistics

Paris France U x XN7757

Research and Development Centre for Calibration, Instrumentation and Metrology

1967 U d XF1281

Research and Development Forum for Science-Led Development in Africa

RANDFORUM 1992 U d XF2668

Research and Development in Advanced Communications Technologies in Europe

RACE 1983 U dg XF1852

Research and Documentation Centre Esperanto

1952 U d XU8723

Research and Information Centre on Eritrea

RICE 1979 Grambling LA USA U x XN3735

Research and Information System for the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries

Delhi India U x XG7301

Research and Training Institute for International Cooperation in the field of Habitat and Human Settlements

U js XU7049

Research Center for Innovative Financial Solutions

RCIFS 2017 Sumy Ukraine U x XM6026

Research Center for Religion and Human Rights in Closed Societies

RCDA 1972 Sea Cliff NY USA U x XG6116

Research Centre for International Political Economy

RECIPE 1995 Amsterdam Netherlands U x XG7450

Research Centre for Peace and Disarmament

1987 Prague Czechia U x XG1057

Research Committee for Peace Issues in Japan Council on Science

1972 Tokyo Japan U x XG3001

Research for International Tobacco Control

RITC 1994 U d XK2381

Research Group for European Migration Problems

REMP 1952 U dv XD3161
