International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Regional Wood Energy Programme for Africa

RWEPA 1985 Nairobi Kenya U x XF3236

Regional Youth Council of Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean


Regions and Cities of Europe

RECITE Programme 1991 U dg XF2737

Regions Beyond Missionary Union International

RBMU International 1873 U d XN6201


1992 U dg XK0901

Registry of Scientific and Technical Services for the Asian and Pacific Region

1971 U dg XH2514

Regroupement afriquebec

Caron SK Canada U x XN2117

Rehovot Conference Fund

1960 Rehovot Israel U fx XG1720

Rehovot Conference on Science in the Advancement of New States

1960 U d XU3156

Reimer Genealogy Center Worldwide

1953 Warrensberg NY USA U x XN7251

Reinsurance Officers Association

1969 Seoul Korea Rep U x XN3023

Relais de l'union

U x XN0717

Relance européenne de la chorégraphie et de l'art lyrique


Relations pour l'expression de la chanson d'inspiration française

RECIF Languidic France U x XN5367

Relief and Development Institute

RDI 1978 U dj XG7362

Relief Centre for Estonian Prisoners of Conscience in the USSR

Stockholm Sweden U x XN3864

Relief Transport Services

RTS U d XF3632


U x XG7992

Religieuses Pénitentes Récollectines, Limbourg

U x XU1909

Religious Education and World Development Resources Centre

Swansea UK U x XG2179

Religious Freedom International

Fountain Valley CA USA U x XN8385

Religious Task Force on Central America and Mexico

RTFCAM 1980 Washington DC USA U x XN3252


Brussels Belgium U x AA1344

Remote Gambling Association

RGA 2005 U d XM5514

Remote Sensing Centre, Cairo

1971 Cairo Egypt U gn XE3969
