The Yearbook of International Organizations

The comprehensive resource for anyone researching international organizations


The Yearbook of International Organizations includes detailed information on c. 75,000 international organizations from 300 countries and territories, c. 42,000 of which are active organizations. Coverage includes intergovernmental (IGOs) and international non-governmental organizations (INGOs). Approximately 1,200 new organizations are added each year.

The Yearbook is a trusted tool for studies and research in all subjects of civil society activities, including Political Science, Law, International Studies, International Relations, Sociology, Demography and Peace Studies.

The Yearbook data is edited by an experienced editorial staff and presented in a standardized format to facilitate comparison between organizations.

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Organization profiles c. 75,000 c. 42,000 c. 75,000
Bibliography of publications
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Update frequency In real-time Once a year In real-time
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Organization name
Main office city/country
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An IGO is an organization composed primarily of sovereign states, or of other intergovernmental organizations. IGOs are established by treaty or other agreement that acts as a charter creating the group. Examples include the United Nations, the World Bank, or the European Union.

The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) defines an INGO as "any organization which is not established by inter-governmental agreement" (Resolution 288 (X) the 27th February 1950), "including organizations which accept members designated by government authorities, provided that such membership does not interfere with the free expression of views of the organizations" (Resolution 1296 (XLV) of 25th June 1968).

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E-ISSN: 2211-2847

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Features and Benefits

  • Data on c. 75,000 international organizations
  • Direct access to organizations’ websites and contact information
  • Simple and advanced search options
  • Hyperlinks to facilitate searching from within profiles
  • “Saved Searches” feature
  • Data export for up to 500 search results in XLS, CSV or TXT formats
  • Updated in real-time
  • Approximately 1,200 new organizations added each year
  • Documentation and user guide


Organizations Section

Detailed descriptions of c. 75,000 international organizations worldwide, c. 42,000 of which are active. Coverage includes intergovernmental (IGOs) and international non-governmental organizations (INGOs). Organization profiles are cross-referenced to show detailed relationships between organizations.

Geography Section

Locate organizations, using a drill down method, by the world region, country and city in which organization secretariats are located.


Sample drilldown

Subjects Section

Locate organizations by subject of activity. Subjects cover every field of human endeavour.

Bibliography Section

Over 50,000 publications and information resources supplied by international organizations, and nearly 18,000 research citations under 40 subject headings.

Statistics Section

Statistics, visual representations of data, and historical statistical summaries and analyses on: Types of organizations; Countries where secretariats are located and where organizations are active; Subject clustering of organizations by type; Current and historical statistics on meetings activity, and more. Statistics for previous years back to 2001 also available.


Table of Contents

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Associations listed in the Yearbook of International Organizations may be eligible for up to a 25% discount on the Yearbook online and print. Please contact Brill for more information.

Home screen - Drill down by world region

Drill down by country

Drill down by city

Home screen and Subject matrix - Drill down by subject in Level One of the subject matrix

Drill down by Level Two sub-categories of the subject matrix

Drill down by Level Three of the subject matrix

Classified Subject Guide and Index

The subject index groups together international organizations which have similar concerns.

The subject index is based on words taken directly from the titles and profiles of international organizations.(*) The words are classified into subject categories and sub-categories. It is possible to search the index using individual words, subject categories, and sub-categories.

There are 100 subject categories. They are structured into a matrix of ten rows by ten columns, resulting in 100 cells. Each of these 100 cells represents a subject category and is titled accordingly. For example, cell "06" (row 0, column 6) is titled "Hydrology", while cell "60" (row 6, column 0) is titled "Development".

Each cell is futher divided into at most ten sub-cells. For example, the "Hydrology" cell is divided into three: "Hydrology", "Rivers and Lakes", and "Water". The "Development" cell is divided into nine: "Aid", "Assistance", "Development", "Empowerment", "Help", "Potential", "Progress", "Reform", and "Sustainable Development".

Each sub-cell covers an infinite number of words in a multiplicity of languages. These are the words taken directly from the titles and profiles of international organizations. For example, the sub-cell "Rivers and Lakes" covers, at the moment, 50 words, including: "inland waters", "pond", "tributaries", "fleuves", "ozera" and "ríos". The sub-cell "Sustainable Development" covers, at the moment, 39 words, including: "renewable", "sustainability", "unsustainably", "soutenable", "sostenibilidad", and "nachhaltige".

You can search the subject index by an individual word by typing the word into the search box. Your results will be all the organizations containing(*) a word classified under the same (sub-)category as the word you requested. For example, if you search for "tributaries", your results will be all the organizations containing(*) one or more of the words classified under "Rivers and Lakes". If you search for "sostenibilidad", your results will be all the organizations containing(*) one or more of the words classified under "Sustainable Development".

You can search the index by subject category or by sub-category. We recommend you start such a search by clicking a cell in the matrix. Your results will be all the organizations containing(*) a word classified under the (sub-)category you have selected. For example, if you select the category "Development", your results will be all the organizations containing(*) one or more of the words classified under the category "Development" and its sub-categories. If you select the sub-category "Sustainable Development", your results will be all the organizations containing(*) one or more of the words classified under the sub-category "Sustainable Development".

(*) The words used for the subject index are the words in the titles of organizations (in all languages), and selected keywords marked in the paragraph "Aims".

61st Print Edition 2024 - 2025

  • Volume 1A-1B (Set)

    Organization Descriptions and Cross-References

    ISBN: 978-90-04-69928-1

    These volumes include detailed descriptions of about 42,000 not-for-profit international organizations currently active in every field of human endeavour, as well as references to associated organizations, whose goals cross all economic, political and geographical borders. Cross-referenced with volumes 2, 3, 4, and 6.

  • Volume 2

    Geographical Index - A Country Directory of Secretariats and Memberships

    ISBN: 978-90-04-69932-8

    Volume 2 allows users to locate organizations by the country in which secretariats or members are located. Listings include names and contact details of organizations with numerical codes referring back to full organization profiles in Volumes 1A and 1B.

  • Volume 3

    Global Action Networks - A Subject Directory and Index

    ISBN: 978-90-04-69933-5

    Volume 3 allows readers to locate organizations by subjects. Major subjects are subdivided by region and other international groupings (developing countries, Arab, Commonwealth, IGO, etc).

  • Volume 4

    International Organization Bibliography and Resources

    ISBN: 978-90-04-69934-2

    Volume 4 cites over 50,000 publications and information resources supplied by international organizations, and provides nearly 18,000 research citations under 40 subject headings.

  • Volume 5

    Statistics, Visualizations and Patterns

    ISBN: 978-90-04-69935-9

    Volume 5 includes statistics, visual representations of data, and historical statistical summaries and analyses on: Types of organizations; Countries where secretariats are located and where organizations are active; Subject clustering of organizations by type; Current and historical statistics on meetings activity, and more.

  • Volume 6

    Global Civil Society and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

    ISBN: 978-90-04-69936-6

    In 2015 the United Nations adopted a set of seventeen goals ‘to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all’, with specific targets for each goal to be achieved by 2030. These are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, or ‘Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’. The UN calls on governments, the private sector, individuals and civil society bodies to join together to achieve these goals.

  • Yearbook Set of 6 Volumes

    ISBN: 978-90-04-69927-4

    All six volumes of the Yearbook of International Organizations are available at a special price for ordering the set.

  • Yearbook Past Editions

    The Yearbook of International Organizations has been published since 1948. Some past editions may still be available for purchase.

    Please contact us for prices

What types of organizations are included in the Yearbook?


The Yearbook attempts to cover all “international organizations”, according to a broad range of criteria. It therefore includes many bodies that may be perceived as not being fully international, or as not being organizations as such. These bodies are nevertheless included so as to enable users to make their own evaluation in the light of their own criteria.

To assist this evaluation, the editors have developed two sets of codes referred to as Type I and Type II.

Type I

This hierarchical typology may be used to help determine the status or level of "internationality" of an organization.

Type A: Federations of international organizations
A principal membership category includes at least three autonomous international bodies
Type B: Universal membership organizations
Membership covers at least 60 countries regardless of distribution, or membership covers at least 30 countries and is equitably distributed over several continents
Type C: Intercontinental membership organizations
Membership exceeds that of a particular continental region, covers at least 10 countries, and is equitably distributed over at least two continents
Type D: Regionally defined membership organizations
Membership and preoccupations restricted to a particular continental or sub-continental region or contiguous group of countries, and covers at least 3 countries or includes at least 3 autonomous international bodies
Type E: Organizations emanating from places, persons or other bodies
May include international centres and institutes created by intergovernmental bodies, and joint bodies, regardless of membership
Type F: Organizations having a special form
May include foundations, funds, banks, and illegal or unusual bodies
Type G: Internationally-oriented national organizations
Includes bilateral bodies, organizations with membership or management structure limited to a single country yet name or activities indicate an international character, and national bodies with formal links (member, funder, partner) with a body of the UN system or other international organization
Type H: Inactive or dissolved international organizations
Dissolved or inactive organization previously classified as a Type A, B, C or D
Type J: Recently reported or proposed international organizations
Information available is insufficient to enable classification as another Type
Type K: Subsidiary and internal bodies
A substantive unit within a complex international organization which has a degree of autonomy
Type N: National organizations
Membership or management structure is essentially limited to a single country, yet title or activities make it appear to be international
Type R: Religious orders, fraternities and secular institutes
A religious or fraternal order or similar body based on commitment to a set of religious practices. Membership covers at least 3 countries
Type S: Autonomous conference series
Not an organization as such but represents a continuing series of international meetings which has a name which could be assumed to refer to an international body
Type T: Multilateral treaties and agreements
Not an organization as such but a multilateral treaty, convention, agreement, pact, protocol or covenant signed by at least 3 parties, whether States or intergovernmental organizations.
Type U: Inactive or dissolved non-conventional bodies
Dissolved or inactive organization previously classified as a Type other than A, B, C or D

Type II

This typology is used to add a second level of structure to Type I.

b = bilateral intergovernmental organization
c = conference series
d = dissolved, dormant
e = commercial enterprise
f = foundation, fund
g = intergovernmental
j = research institute
n = has become national
p = proposed body
s = information suspect
v = individual membership only
x = no recent information received
y = international organization membership

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What is a non-governmental organization (NGO)?

A non-governmental organization (NGO) is a legally constituted organization created by private persons or organizations without participation or representation of any government. The term originated from the United Nations, and is usually used to refer to organizations that are not conventional for-profit business. NGOs can be organized on a local, national or international level (INGO).

See also the Wikipedia article Non-governmental organization

What is an intergovernmental organization (IGO)?

An IGO is an organization composed primarily of sovereign states, or of other intergovernmental organizations. IGOs are established by treaty or other agreement that acts as a charter creating the group. Examples include the United Nations, the World Bank, or the European Union.

See also the Wikipedia article Intergovernmental organization

What is an international non-governmental organization (INGO)?

The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) defines an INGO as "any organization which is not established by inter-governmental agreement" (Resolution 288 (X) 27 February 1950), "including organizations which accept members designated by government authorities, provided that such membership does not interfere with the free expression of views of the organizations" (Resolution 1296 (XLV) of 25 June 1968).

What information do Yearbook profiles contain?

Print Restrictions

Due to limitations imposed by printing and binding, some types of organizations are not included in the print edition. In such cases, an explanatory comment is given instead of the description (for example: "no longer active"; "meeting series"; "treaty"). All organization descriptions are included in the online version.

Descriptions always include the following information

Organization name

The organization’s name is given in all languages in which it is available. Abbreviations follow the appropriate name. When an organization does not have an official name in English or French, the editors may provide translated versions.

Descriptions may include the following information


The main address for correspondence, including telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail addresses when available. Secondary addresses are listed below the main address, and include registered offices, continental regional offices, information offices and addresses for secondary correspondence. The address of the organization’s home page is given, if known.


The date and location of founding (or of "establishment" in the case of intergovernmental organizations) are indicated under this heading. Other information on the history and changes in structure or name of the organization is also given.


Principal objectives are summarized, wherever possible on the basis of the organization’s statutes.


The key organs and commissions of the organization are enumerated, together with some indication of the frequency of their meetings and of composition of the executive body.


Official and working languages used by the organization are listed. “Official languages” are normally those specified in the statutes of the organization.


The number of paid and voluntary staff are given.


Sources of funding and the annual budget figure are given.

Consultative Status

Where the organization has an officially recognized relationship to a major intergovernmental organization, this is indicated.

IGO Relations

Where the organization has a special relationship to an intergovernmental organization, this is indicated. It should be noted that tenuous links, or links that have not been confirmed by both parties, have been omitted from the printed descriptions, although they are available in the online version.

NGO Relations

Where the organization has a special relationship with international non-governmental organizations, this is indicated. It should be noted that tenuous links, or links that have not been confirmed by both parties, have been omitted from the printed descriptions, although they are available in the online version.


Under this heading appears a summary of the main activities and programme concerns of each organization. Special emphasis is placed on developmental activities, where relevant.


Listed here are the dates and locations of previous and future periodic meetings or other events. For more details on these events, and for full indexes to them, users are directed to the International Congress Calendar.


Listed here are the titles of major periodical and non-periodical publications of the organization. Titles are indexed and classified in Volume 4 of the print version, and in the 'Bibliography' tab in the online version.

Information Services

Listed here are the names of libraries, databanks and library and publications consultancy services operated by the organization. Websites of these services are listed with the organization's address. Titles are indexed and classified in Volume 4 of the print version, and in the 'Bibliography' tab in the online version.


Listed here are the types of membership and numbers of members. This may include the list of countries represented or in which members are located, and a list of international and regional organization members, when applicable. These countries are indexed and cross-referenced in Volume 2 of the print version, and are searchable in the online version.


The last line of the description includes the date on which the most recent information has been received. Two forms are used:
  - 2011.02.16: the organization checked the description and returned it on that date;
  - 2009: the organization has not checked the description since that date, but information has been received in the given year from another reliable source (which may be the organization’s own website).

Old dates, or no date, may be an indication that an organization is becoming inactive.

What if an organization asks not to be included?

The editors are committed to as complete a coverage as is humanly possible. Therefore no entries are eliminated as a result of pressure to suppress an organization's profile. However, in cases where the possibility of danger to health and life is suggested, the entry is reworded to respect the concern of the body in question.

Where can I buy a copy of the Yearbook?
How do I find a library with a copy of the Yearbook?

You can use the link below to identify public or university libraries in your area. To find out if they have a copy of the Yearbook of International Organizations, check the library's online catalogue or contact the Reference Department. Some libraries maintain copies of past editions of the Yearbook in addition to current editions. Many academic libraries also carry our previous publications which are now out of print, so you can search the catalogues for Union of International Associations / Union des associations internationales as author.

If your local institution or library doesn't have a copy of the Yearbook, you could let the appropriate staff know that you would find having access to it valuable. Libraries are faced with many budgetary constraints and will often base purchasing and service options on community needs. If you would like us to forward printed information on our publications to library staff, individuals or organizations, please contact us.

How are "suspect bodies" treated?

Some organizations included in the Yearbook of International Organizations are perceived as highly suspect by other bodies, whether because of dubious academic standing, questionable values or as a threat to public order. The editors do not act on such judgements which may be contradicted by others. However, in the case of the very small minority of bodies which seek to mislead through false claims, to defraud or to engage in covert operations, the editors endeavour to juxtapose items of information which draw attention to the questionable aspects of these organizations. The final assessment is left to the user. To avoid confusion, seemingly international organizations which exist only as a public relations activity of an individual are indexed but not described.

Which country and territory names are used in the Yearbook?

It is not the intention of the editors to take a position with regard to the political or diplomatic implications of geographical names or continental groupings used in the Yearbook. The names of countries used may not be the complete official names of those countries. The geographical names used are chosen for the sake of brevity and common usage. Wherever possible, the country (or territory) name preferred by the organization concerned is used, providing this is possible within the limits of standardization required for mailing or statistical purposes.

It is important to note that some organizations insist on the inclusion of territories on the same basis as countries, or on the inclusion of geographical areas that are not recognized – whether under the specified name or indeed as a definable area at all – by other organizations. Giving precedence as much as possible to the organization’s preferences may lead to what appears to be duplication, as one geographical area may, according to some parties, have more than one possible name.

Some geographical names used in this publication may not, strictly speaking, even refer to geographical areas. An example is groups “in exile”, namely a group identifying itself by the name of a sovereign State but not actually present in that State.

Political changes over the years may lead to some questions in an organization’s description. Briefly: countries referred to in an organization’s description retain their old form when referring to a date prior to the change – for example, towns referred to in events prior to 1991 still retain their country as German DR (Democratic Republic) or Germany FR (Federal Republic), while subsequent dates refer simply to Germany.

How are international organizations and NGOs evaluated in the Yearbook?

The editorial intent is not to provide a "judgement" or "definition" of an organization, and priority is normally given to providing a profile in the words of the organization itself. Every effort is made by the editors to check this information against other sources. The information is at no time considered complete, rather it reflects a "work in progress".

The final evaluation of the information presented in the Yearbook must be left to users. They may be assisted in this assessment by whether a full description is included, by the amount of information it has been considered useful to include in the description, by the last date on which information has been received, and by the organization type classification.

Why are some national / non-international organizations included in the Yearbook and not others?

The Yearbook of International Organizations, although originally covering only international organizations in the traditional sense, has broadened its scope in order to reflect international activity in a much more general manner.

The UIA has a mandate from the United Nations to produce the Yearbook, which includes all non-profit international organizations known to us, in particular those which are officially recognized by the United Nations or one of its specialized agencies. It therefore includes national organizations which have been granted consultative status by one of the United Nations agencies or included on the UN Department of Information (DPI) List, coding them as 'internationally-oriented national' bodies.

The organizations the UIA has on record range from major intergovernmental organizations such as the United Nations, through scholarly and scientific bodies, to the more subordinate, diffuse or peripheral. Special effort is made to include international activities which, although not organizations, have clearly recognized titles and behaviour, and which are of considerable interest and importance to Yearbook users. These may include free trade zones, projects, programmes, intergovernmental groupings with no fixed secretariat or treaty, etc.

What are the sources of description information in the Yearbook?

Compiling information for the Yearbook involves a year-round process of research and editing. Proofs of organization descriptions are sent out by post, email and fax for the organizations themselves to correct. The average response rate is 35%, ensuring highly reliable information. Priority is normally given to information received from the organizations themselves, and every effort is made by the editors to check this information against other sources.

Proofs are supplemented with information from websites, annual reports, newsletters and other documents. Organizations that do not respond to the proofs are followed up with telephone calls, or researched via the Internet.

How can I contribute information?

You may have information that you wish to make the UIA aware of, including but not limited to:

  • New international organizations
  • Conferences and meetings
  • Amendments or additions to current profiles

As the editors cannot possibly keep track of all the information available on international organizations however hard they try, any information of this kind is very welcome. You can submit new organizations and meetings for consideration via the following:

View The Yearbook Online

Editor: Union of International Associations
Active in this field of research since 1907

Publisher: Brill

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Who Uses the Yearbook

Researchers, Universities, Libraries, International Relations Professionals, Embassies, Ministries, Institutes, Lawyers, Not-For-Profit Organizations, Intergovernmental Organizations, Corporate Entities, Private Sector

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