Yearbook Volume 5 Statistics - 2004




0.1. Number of international organizations

    0.1.1. All bodies in Yearbook database
    0.1.2. International organizations (Cluster I)
    0.1.3. Dependent bodies (Cluster II)
    0.1.4. Organizational substitutes (Cluster III)
    0.1.5. National bodies (Cluster IV)
    0.1.6. Inactive, unconfirmed and excluded bodies (Cluster V)

0.2. Geographic distribution

    Participation in international organizations
    0.2.1. - by continent and cluster
    0.2.2. - by type and continent
    0.2.3. - in intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) by continent
    0.2.4. - in international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) by continent

    0.2.5.(a) Location of international organization secretariats
    0.2.5.(b) Location of international organization secretariats, principal/secondary offices
    0.2.6. Location of intergovernmental organization (IGO) secretariats
    0.2.7. Location of international nongovernmental organization (NGO) secretariats

0.3. Links between organizations

    0.3.1. Links between international organizations by type
    0.3.2. Links from intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) by type
    0.3.3. Links from international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) by type
    0.3.4. Links between international organizations by paragraph
    0.3.5. Links from intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) by paragraph
    0.3.6. Links from international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) by paragraph
    0.3.7. Links between international organizations by frequency
    0.3.8. Links from intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) by frequency
    0.3.9. Links from international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) by frequency
    0.3.10. Links to intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) by frequency
    0.3.11. Links to international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) by frequency

0.4. Subjects (fields of activity)

    0.4.1. Major subject groupings of international organizations


1. 1. Current (2003)

    1.1.1.(a) Overview of number of international organizations by type
    1.1.1.(b) Overview of number of international organizations by cluster
    1.1.1.(c,d) Relative numbers of international organizations by type

1.2. Chronological

    1.2.1.(a,b) Trends in number of active international organizations 1900-present

    Trends in number of international organizations by cluster: 1950-present
    1.2.2.(a,b) - All organization and Cluster I: International organizations
    1.2.2.(c,d) - Cluster II: Dependent bodies and Cluster III: Organizational substitutes
    1.2.2.(e,f) - Cluster IV: National bodies and Cluster V: Dead, inactive and unconfirmed bodies


2. 1. Current (2003)

    2.1.1. Membership of international organizations, by country
    2.1.1.(2002) Membership of international organizations, by country 2002 (corrections)
    2.1.2. Countries represented in the greatest number of international organizations
    2.1.3.(a-e) Countries represented in international organizations, ranked by continent
    2.1.4.(a,b) Participation in international organizations, NGO and IGO, by continent
    2.1.5. Membership of international organizations, by ?mother? country
    2.1.6. Membership of international organizations, by region of activity
    2.1.7. Countries hosting international organization secretariats

    2.1.7.(2002) Countries hosting international organization secretariats 2002 (corrections)

      - Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs)
      - International nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
      - Countries hosting international organization headquarters

    Countries hosting the greatest number of organization headquarters
    2.1.8.(a) - international organization headquarters
    2.1.8.(b) - intergovernmental organization headquarters
    2.1.8.(c) - non-governmental organization headquarters
    2.1.8.(d) - intercontinental organization headquarters

    2.1.9.(a,b,c,d,e) Countries hosting the greatest number of international organization headquarters, by continent
    2.1.10.(a,b) Location of international organization secretariats, NGO and IGO, by continent
    2.1.10.(c,d) Location of secondary secretariats of international organizations by continent

    2.1.11. Cities hosting international organization secretariats
    2.1.11.(2002) Cities hosting international organization secretariats 2002 (corrections)

      - All organizations (whether IGO or NGO)
      - Intergovernmental organizations
      - International nongovernmental organizations

    2.1.12. International organizations by region of activity
    2.1.13. Geographic distribution of international meetings
    2.1.14.(a,b) Size of international meetings ? by continent and country
    2.1.15.(a) Top international meeting countries ? number of meetings
    2.1.16.(a) Top international meeting cities
    2.1.15.(b) and 2.1.16.(b) Top international meeting countries and cities ? number of meetings
    2.1.17.(a,b) International meetings ? number of meetings versus national population
    2.1.18.(a,b) - International meetings ? number of meetings versus GNI

2.2. Chronological

    Participation trends in international organizations of Cluster I: 1956-present
    2.2.1.(a,b) - Growth in participation in international organizations of Cluster I: past and future
    2.2.1.(c) - Growth in participation in international organizations of Cluster I by continent 1956-2000
    2.2.1.(d) - Growth in participation in international organizations of Cluster I 1956-1976
    2.2.1.(e) - Growth in participation in international organizations of Cluster I 1980-2000

    Participation trends in conventional international organizations: 1956-present
    2.2.2.(a) - Growth in participation in conventional international organizations by continent 1956-2000
    2.2.2.(b) - Growth in participation in conventional international organizations: 1956-1976
    2.2.2.(c) - Growth in participation in conventional international organizations: 1980-2000

    2.2.3. Change in country participation in international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
    2.2.4.(a) Secretariats of international organizations of Cluster I by continent: 1980-2000
    2.2.4.(b) Growth in secretariats of international organizations of Cluster I: 1948-2000
    2.2.5. Change in number of secretariats of international NGOs of types A-F

    Change in number of secretariats of international nongovernmental organizations of type G
    2.2.6.(a) Geographic distribution of international meetings 1999-2003 tables
    2.2.6.(b) Geographic distribution of international meetings 1999-2003 graphs
    2.2.7.(a,b,c) International meetings ? impact of special events on meeting numbers


3. 1. Current (2003)

    3.1.1. Links between international organizations, by type
    3.1.2. Links between international organizations, by paragraph
    3.1.3. Links between international organizations, by frequency
    3.1.4. Links between international organizations, by subject

3.2. Chronological

    Links between international organizations by type: past and present
    3.2.1.(a) - Links between international organizations by type: 1986-2003
    3.2.1.(b) - Links between intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) by type: 1986-2003
    3.2.1.(c) - Links between nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) by type: 1986-2003
    3.2.1.(d) - Links between clusters of international organizations: 1988-2002

    3.2.2.(a) Ten-year changes in links, by paragraph: 1993 and 2003
    3.2.2.(b) One-year changes in links, by paragraph: 2002 and 2003


4. 1. Current (2003)

    4.1.1. Experimental matrix of subjects
    4.1.2. Number of international organizations by subject groups
    4.1.3. International organizations by regional field of activity

    Areas of concern of leading people in international organizations
    4.1.4.(a) - Areas of concern of leading people in international organizations, by subjects: 2002
    4.1.4.(b) - Areas of concern of leading people in international organizations, by regions: 2002

4.2. Chronological

    Number of international organizations by subject groups: 1985-present
    4.2.1.(a,b) - Number of international organizations by subject group: 1986-2003
    4.2.1.(c) - Number of international organizations by subject group: 1988-2003

    Trends in subjects: 1985-present
    4.2.2.(a) - Some positive and negative trends: 1985-2003
    4.2.2.(b) - Trends in selected subjects: 1985-2003

    4.3.1. Classification of international organizations 1924


5.1. Current (2003) 

    5.1.1. Foundation dates of international organizations, by type


6.1. Current (2003)

    6.1.1. International organizations of special structure
    6.1.2.(a) Distribution of budgets of international organizations
    6.1.2.(b) Frequency distribution of organization budget
    6.1.3.(a,b) Staff of international organizations
    6.1.3.(c,d) Staff of international organizations - charts

6.2. Chronological

    Leading people in international organizations
    6.2.1. - year of birth: 2002
    6.2.2. - academic background: 2002
    6.2.3. - country of citizenship: 2002
    6.2.4. - gender: 2002


7.1. Current (2003)

    7.1.1. Index to languages used by international organizations

    7.1.2. Languages used by international organizations

      - All organizations (whether IGO or NGO)               
      - Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs)
      - International nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)

    Top 10 languages used by international organizations
    7.1.3.(a) - Top ten languages used by all international organizations
    7.1.3.(b) - Top ten languages used by intergovernmental organizations
    7.1.3.(c) - Top ten languages used by international nongovernmental organizations

    7.1.4. Number of languages used by international organizations

      - All organizations (whether IGO or NGO)               
      - Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs)
      - International nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)

7.1.5.(a,b,c,d) Leading people in international organizations ? languages


8.1. Current (2003) 

    8.1.1. Number of publications of international organizations by type

8.2. Chronological 

    8.2.1. Number of publications of international organizations by type: 1996 - 2003


9.2. Feedback loop analysis 

    9.2.1. Problem feedback loop analysis

9.3. World Problems and Global Strategies

    9.3.1.(a) Growth in number of world problems profiled and interlinked
    9.3.1.(b) Growth in link types of world problems
    9.3.2.(a) Growth in number of global strategies profiled and interlinked
    9.3.2.(b) Growth in link types of global strategies



10.1. International Organizations

    10.1.1. International NGOs linked to United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
    10.1.2. International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol)
    10.1.3. Organization of African Unity (OAU)
    10.1.4. European Union (EU)
    10.1.5. Council of Europe (CE)
    10.1.6. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
    10.1.7. International Council for Science (ICSU)
    10.1.8. Relations amongst international organizations concerned with mathematics (A-F)
    10.1.9. Organizations focusing on astronomy
    10.1.10. International Association of Universities (IAU)
    10.1.11. International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP)
    10.1.12. Relations amongst international organizations concerned with libraries (A-G)
    10.1.13. Organizations focusing on linguistics
    10.1.14. Internet
    10.1.15. Convention on biological diversity
    10.1.16. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)
    10.1.17. Relations amongst international organizations focusing on environment
    10.1.18. Organizations focusing on trees
    10.1.19. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)
    10.1.20. World Council of Churches (WCC)
    10.1.21. Relations amongst international peace organizations
    10.1.22. Relations amongst international organizations concerned with human rights (A-F)
    10.1.23. Relations amongst international organizations concerned with migration
    10.1.24. World Tourism Organization (WTO)
    10.1.25. International Music Council (IMC)

10.2. World Problems and Issues

    10.2.1. Meaninglessness
    10.2.2. Injustice
    10.2.3. Super-power arrogance
    10.2.4. Human violence
    10.2.5. Human death
    10.2.6. Unsustainable population levels
    10.2.7. War
    10.2.8. Ideological conflict
    10.2.9. Corruption
    10.2.10. International insecurity
    10.2.11. Censorship
    10.2.12. Terrorism
    10.2.13. Lying
    10.2.14. Racism
    10.2.15. Discrimination against women
    10.2.16. Family breakdown
    10.2.17. Juvenile stress
    10.2.18. Erosion of biological diversity
    10.2.19. Copyright barriers to transfer of knowledge
    10.2.20. Corporate control of genetic material
    10.2.21. Conflicts over fishing rights
    10.2.22. End of the world
    10.2.23. Hero worship
    10.2.24. Incorrect spelling
    10.2.25. Schizophrenia
    10.2.26. Calenture
    10.2.27. Motion sickness
    10.2.28. Fires
    10.2.29. Pathogenic fungi
    10.2.30. Bad smell
    10.2.31. Sneezing
    10.2.32. Snoring

10.3. Global Strategies and Solutions

    10.3.1. Searching for meaning
    10.3.2. Strategies classified under 'perseverance'
    10.3.3. Investigating-Discovering
    10.3.4. Reducing risk
    10.3.5. Facilitating non-governmental organization participation in international affairs
    10.3.6. Sustainable development
    10.3.7. Storytelling
    10.3.8. Recycling materials
    10.3.9. Links amongst strategies focused on pollution
    10.3.10. Researching diseases
    10.3.11. Promoting individualism
    10.3.12. Mapping the network of terror

10.4. Human Values

    10.4.1. Clustering relationships of human values
    10.4.2. Random selection of value polarities
    10.4.3. Certainty-Uncertainty
    10.4.4. Attitude (complex)
    10.4.5. Love - Hate
    10.4.6. Beauty - Ugliness
    10.4.7. Pride - Humility
    10.4.8. Time (complex)

10.5. Human Development

    10.5.1. Human Development Project
    10.5.2. Primordial wonder (ICA)
    10.5.3. Singular adoration (ICA)
    10.5.4. Ninety-nine names of Allah (Sufism)


    1. Methodological issues
    2. Continuity between editions
    3. Visualization and patterns
    4. Spring maps: self-organizing network visualization
    5. Sonorification of visualized network data
    6. Contents of organization descriptions
    7. Types of organization
    8. Editorial problems and policies
    9. Functional Classification
    10. Related reference works
    11. The United Nations and the Yearbook of International Organizations
    12. The Editors of the Yearbook of International Organizations