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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Solidarité paysans Tiers-monde - action pour le développement

SPAD U d XG5029

Solidarité pour le Sahel

SOLISA Bamako Mali U d XG9170

Solidarité sans frontières, Liège

SsF Liège Belgium U x XN6301


Brussels Belgium U x XN0418

Solidariteit met de Vrouwen van de Streek van de Grote Meren van Afrika

Amaharo 1998 Leuven Belgium U x XN8688

Solidarity among African Women

1985 U d XG7699

Solidarity Asia

Bangkok Thailand U x XN6568

Solidarity Fund for Economic and Social Development in the Non-aligned Countries

1975 New York NY USA U fgx XF5956

Solidarity Network

1981 Rennes France U dy XG0151

Solidarity Network Asia and Minamata

Kumamoto Japan U x XG2591

Solidarnosc z Solidarnoscia

SzS 1981 London UK U x XN2980

Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems in Parallel

SCOOP 1995 U d XF4904

Someraj Universitataj Kursoj

SUK 1972 U d XG0713

Sonic Arts Network

SAN 1979 London UK U nv XN5062


1968 U d XF1518

Sorghum and Millet Improvement Network

SMINET 1998 U d XK1843

SOS Afric

SOSA U x XN0517

SOS Afrique, Bruxelles

Brussels Belgium U x XN0427

SOS Atlantic Rainforest Foundation

Sao Paulo Brazil U fx XN4110

SOS attentats - SOS terrorism

1986 U d XM3566

SOS Bosnie - Association pour la restauration de la paix en Europe

ARPE 1994 Brussels Belgium U x XG2393

SOS déserts transcontinental

Brussels Belgium U s XU0850

SOS Enfants - Partout un enfant à aider

Gentilly France U x XG4276

SOS hôpitaux Tiers-monde

Brussels Belgium U x XN2537

SOS Kids International - SOS Kindermoord

1991 U d XN4835


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