This information is part of the Open Yearbook, a free service of UIA's subscription-based Yearbook of International Organizations (YBIO). It includes profiles of non-profit organizations working worldwide in all fields of activity. The information contained in the profiles and search functionality of this free service are limited.

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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

International Anti-Stress Centre

IASC 1999 Belgrade Serbia U x XQ0208

International Apple Institute

IAI 1970 McLean VA USA U jn XN1613

International Appropriate Technology Association

1978 U d XG8129

International Aquaculture Foundation

1984 Washington DC USA U fx XN4804

International Aquarium Society

IAS 1968 Maine NY USA U x XN7202

International Aquatic Modeling Group

IAMG U d XF4884

International Arab Psychological Association

Toronto ON Canada U x XN8145

International Arabian Horse Association

IAHA 1950 U d XN3712

International Arbitration and Peace Association

1877 U d XU9724

International Arbitration Federation

IAF Borgloon Belgium U x XN7668

International Archaeological Commission

1902 U dg XU0962

International Archives of Folk Music

IAFM 1944 Geneva Switzerland U x XF7351

International Archives of Latin American Political Posters

1978 Albuquerque NM USA U n XN3385

International Aromatherapy and Herb Association

IAHA Phoenix AZ USA U x XQ2875

International Aromatherapy Association

U d XM1712

International Art and Technology Cooperation Organization

ArTech 1999 U x XJ7685

International Art Deco Society

Miami Beach FL USA U x XN3088

International Art Forum

IAF Sint-Truiden Belgium U x XQ0104

International Art Guild

IAG 1962 U x XG4099

International Art Teachers' Federation

U d XU0099

International Artistic Contortion Sports Association

IACSA Buenos Aires Argentina U x XG7767

International Artists Centre

Tokyo Japan U x XN1389

International Artists Network

1963 Wellen Belgium U vx XF3498

International Artists' Movement

U d XU5852

International Arts Consultants

IAC 1989 U x XG0757


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