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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Media Action International

MAI Geneva Switzerland U x XN6827

Meditation Group of United Nations Staff Members, Geneva

1976 Geneva Switzerland U x XF6457

Middle East and Mediterranean Telecommunication Network

MEDARABTEL 1980 Geneva Switzerland U dgy XF5076

NGOs for Peace and Security in the Middle East

Geneva Switzerland U x XG4415

Orthodox-Reformed Joint Commission

1988 Geneva Switzerland U d XF1805

Parlement mondial des familles universelles

Geneva Switzerland U px XG1909

Pathway International

2010 Geneva Switzerland U x XM4155

Platform for European Red Cross Cooperation on Refugees, Asylum-seekers and Migrants

PERCO 1997 Geneva Switzerland U x XF6352

Population Information Network for Europe

POPIN-Europe Geneva Switzerland U x XF6104

Réseau Hélios

Geneva Switzerland U x XU8472

SEAIAC Press International

1981 Geneva Switzerland U x XF0460

Société suisse des américanistes

1949 Geneva Switzerland U x XG1989

SOS Saint Bernard Dogs - International

2000 Geneva Switzerland U x XN9762

Students' League of Nations

SLN 1953 Geneva Switzerland U x XG4573

SVP International

1935 Geneva Switzerland U ex XM1058

Transnational Perspectives

TP Geneva Switzerland U x XG8974

United Nations Information System for Afghanistan

UNIDATA Geneva Switzerland U gx XK0144

United Nations Staff Association, Coordinating Council - Geneva

Geneva Switzerland U vx XE5013

Université libre internationale

Geneva Switzerland U x XG0865

WHO Health Development Strategy Centre

1991 Geneva Switzerland U gx XK0313

WHO Unit of Global Health Situation Assessment and Projections

GSP 1948 Geneva Switzerland U gx XF9840


Geneva Switzerland U dg XK0798

Women Insist on Nuclear Disarmament

WIND Geneva Switzerland U x XK1566

Working Group on Network Technology for Trade and Communications

1997 Geneva Switzerland U tx XK2026

World Council of Nestle Workers' Trade Unions

1972 Geneva Switzerland U tx XF5958


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