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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Centre for Mediterranean and International Studies, Tunis

1987 Ariana Tunisia U x XG1301

Centre international de formation en santé reproductive, Tunis

Tunis Tunisia U x XN7273

Centre international de prévention et protection

Tunis Tunisia U x XG8746

Centre of Studies and Researches on Arab Provinces during the Ottoman Period

CERPAO Tunis Tunisia U x XG8347

Comitato Internazionale per gli Scavi di Cartagine

Tunis Tunisia U gx XN2741

Commission permanente de la coopération arabo-africaine

Tunis Tunisia U x XE1344

Committee for the World Court on Israel's War Crimes of Occupation Against Palestine

Tunis Tunisia U x XE4482


Tunis Tunisia U x XG8143

ICA Commission on Archival Development

ICA/CAD Tunis Tunisia U d XK0005

Industries chimiques maghrébines

ICM 1962 Tunis Tunisia U etx XM1027

Institut africain des assurances

Tunis Tunisia U jx XG6654

Institut des belles lettres arabes

1930 Tunis Tunisia U jx XN1267

Institut méditerranéen des conseils fiscaux

2004 Tunis Tunisia U jx XE4661

International Academy of Constitutional Law, Tunis

Tunis Tunisia U x XN2695

International Linguistics Institute, Tunis

ILI Tunis Tunisia U jx XG0456

International Union of School and University Health and Medicine

IUSUHM 1959 Tunis Tunisia U xy XB2775

International Youth Conference on the Human Environment

IYCHE 1977 Tunis Tunisia U x XF3814

Observatoire africain des industries de la langue

OAIL Le Bardo Tunisia U tx XG5883

Permanent Training Centre for African Boxing

1993 Tunis Tunisia U x XE1862

Regional Institute for Informatics and Telecommunications

IRSIT 1986 Tunis Tunisia U jx XG6096

Réseau des enseignants francophones de thérapeutique et pharmacologie

REFTEP 1998 Tunis Tunisia U x XJ0644

Société méditerranéenne pour l'environnement

SOMEDEN 1995 Tunis Tunisia U x XJ2156

Union arabe des assurances

Tunis Tunisia U x XG9363


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