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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Luxembourg Agency for Development Cooperation

LUXDEV 1988 Luxembourg Luxembourg G XJ1775

Luxembourg Institute for European and International Studies

LIEIS 1990 Luxembourg Luxembourg G j XG4165

Luxembourg International University Institute

1974 Luxembourg Luxembourg G j XG6545

Maison de la grande région

1999 Luxembourg Luxembourg G g XM2407

Mercosur - European Business Forum

MEBF 1998 Luxembourg Luxembourg G XG9753

Network for European Monitoring and Development Assistance

EMDA 1989 Weiswampach Luxembourg G XG9244

Objectif Tiers-monde

OTM 1975 Luxembourg Luxembourg G XN0782

Pro Niños Pobres

PNP 1965 Bascharage Luxembourg G XG5816

The Bridge - Forum Dialogue

2000 Luxembourg Luxembourg G XJ0029

Third World Solidarity Action

1969 Luxembourg Luxembourg G XG4224

Association européenne de chirurgie viscérale

AECV 1987 Luxembourg Luxembourg H vx XD3460

European Association of Christian Democratic Local Administrators

EACDLA 1993 Esch-sur-Alzette Luxembourg H x XD2163

European Personalised Medicine Association

EPEMED 2009 Bereldange Luxembourg H x XJ6427

International Association for Psychotronic Research

IAPR 1973 Luxembourg Luxembourg H x XC4414

European Jewish Fund

EJF 2006 Luxembourg Luxembourg J f XJ8742

Federation of Film Academies Europe

FACE 2024 Luxembourg Luxembourg J AA5300

International Fire & EMS Motorcycle Response Unit Association

IMRUA Luxembourg Luxembourg J AA5102

Young Pirates of Europe

YPE Kopstal Luxembourg J AA3021

European Showmen's Ladies Union

1958 Kirchberg Luxembourg K v XE0967

International Sea Sportfishing Federation

FIPS-M 1972 Oberkorn Luxembourg K XK2288

Alfityanu Humanitaire International

AHI 2015 Luxembourg Luxembourg N XM4283

EuroTinnitus Association

Differdange Luxembourg N XN3561

Survie pour les peuples menacés

1982 Niederanven Luxembourg N XN5256

Franciscaines de la Miséricorde

1847 Luxembourg Luxembourg R XR0086

Conference of Speakers of the European Union Parliaments

Luxembourg Luxembourg S c XS1017


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