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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

East Asian Regional Branch of the ICA

EASTICA 1993 Daejeon Korea Rep K XK0758

ICOM Asia-Pacific Regional Alliance

ICOM-ASPAC Eumseong Korea Rep K XE0784

IUPS Commission on Circulation - Respiration

2002 Seoul Korea Rep K XK2325

IUPS Commission on Genomics and Biodiversity

2002 Seoul Korea Rep K XK2322

Asia Economic Community Foundation

AEC Foundation 2008 Incheon Korea Rep N f XJ5024

Asia Food and Nutrition Research Institute

1971 Seoul Korea Rep N j XN1706

Asian Institute of Corporate Governance

AICG Seoul Korea Rep N j XM1652

Asian Society of Asian Cosmetic Surgery

ASACS 2005 Seoul Korea Rep N XM0682

Center for Francophone Studies, Seoul

1991 Seoul Korea Rep N j XN6660

East Asia Foundation

EAF 2004 Seoul Korea Rep N f XM8086

East Asian Association of International Studies

EAIS Busan Korea Rep N j AA3974

Future Technology Research Association International

FTRA Seoul Korea Rep N XJ5579

Global Core Research Center for Ships and Offshore Plants

GCRC-SOP 2011 Busan Korea Rep N XM8303

Global Futures Studies Society

2007 Seoul Korea Rep N XM8706

Institute for Mediterranean Studies

IMS 1997 Busan Korea Rep N j XM6005

Institute of East and West Studies, Seoul

IEWS 1972 Seoul Korea Rep N j XG7406

International Association for Korean Language Education

IAKLE 1985 Seoul Korea Rep N XJ5581

International Cross Cultural Foundation

ICCF 2009 Seoul Korea Rep N f XM6165

International Dongseo Medical Service Corps

IDMSC Suwon Korea Rep N XM1418

International Taekwondo Academy

ITA Yongin Korea Rep N XM3315

Jeju Peace Institute

JPI 2006 Jeju Korea Rep N XM8088

Korean Foundation for International Cultural Exchange

KOFICE 2003 Seoul Korea Rep N f XM8310

Korean World Mission Association

KWMA 1992 Seoul Korea Rep N XN9501

Lotus Lantern International Meditation Centre

1987 Incheon Korea Rep N XN4403

Office of Global Affairs, Ewha

OGA 1985 Seoul Korea Rep N XN7379


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