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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Astrological Federation of Southern Europe

2000 Bologna Italy H x XD8978


1995 Florence Italy H dg XF3665

Europäische Mittelstands-Union

EMSU 1979 Rome Italy H x XD9126

European Association for the Control of Structures

EACS 1996 Pavia Italy H x XQ5431

European Association of Surgical Sciences

EASS Naples Italy H x XD6392

European Biofeedback Association

Rome Italy H x XD1063

European Cardionephrology Association

ECNA 2008 Assisi Italy H x XJ2000

European Council on African Studies

ECAS 1983 Rome Italy H x XC0399

European Federation Against Hunting

EFAH 1985 Rome Italy H d XD7454

European Mediterranean Commission on Water Planning

EMCWP 1970 Catania Italy H x XD6092

European Shoe Press Association

ESPA Trezzano San Naviglio Italy H x XD6140

European Society for Male Genital Surgery

ESMGS Milan Italy H x XD3193

European Union of Travelling Tradesmen

1981 Rome Italy H tx XD4139

Federazione Internazionale delle Scuole di Storia di Famiglia

FISSF 2001 Bologna Italy H x XJ3930

Internacia Asocio de Bibliistoj kaj Orientalistoj

IABO 1967 Madonna degli Angeli Italy H d XD1761

International Association Hegel-Marx for Dialectical Thought

1981 Urbino Italy H vx XD1480

International Association of Catholic Health Care Institutions

1992 Rome Italy H x XD2941

International Association of Computing in Archaeology

Casalecchio di Reno Italy H x XD6607

International Association of Human Auxology

1975 Florence Italy H vx XD5562

International Association of Performance Art Organizers

IAPAO 2001 Assemini Italy H x XM0091

International Association of Synthesis of Knowledge

1969 Turin Italy H x XD0273

International Federation for Educational Exchanges of Children and Adolescents

1983 Salerno Italy H x XD0792

International Society of Lipo-Suction Surgery

Rome Italy H x XD7689

International Tourist Health Association

ITHA 1989 Rimini Italy H x XD1934

International Union of Amateur Astronomers

1969 La Spezia Italy H x XD7876


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