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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Ahl-Ul-Bait World Assembly

1991 Teheran Iran Islamic Rep G XG8313

Association Defending Victims of Terrorism

ADVT Teheran Iran Islamic Rep G XM6362

Association iranienne des relations internationales

Teheran Iran Islamic Rep G XM3487

Centre for Scientific Research and Middle East Strategic Studies

CSRMESS 1988 Teheran Iran Islamic Rep G XM1410

Institute for Political and International Studies, Teheran

IPIS 1983 Teheran Iran Islamic Rep G j XG0334

International Institute for Dialogue among Cultures and Civilizations

IIDACC 2004 Teheran Iran Islamic Rep G j XJ8043

International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology

IIEES 1989 Teheran Iran Islamic Rep G j XG8243

International Science, Technology and Skill Union

ISTSU 2014 Qorveh Iran Islamic Rep G XM4784

International Sturgeon Research Institute

1994 Rasht Iran Islamic Rep G j XG6474

Library of Political and International Studies

LPIS Teheran Iran Islamic Rep G XG9161

Organization for Defending Victims of Violence

ODVV 1988 Teheran Iran Islamic Rep G XN6220

Organization for Investment, Economic and Technical Assistance of Iran

OIETAI 1975 Teheran Iran Islamic Rep G fg XG0671

School of International Relations, Teheran

SIR 1889 Teheran Iran Islamic Rep G XM3938

Kurash Confederation of Asia

KCA Teheran Iran Islamic Rep H d XM0856

International Fight Kickboxing Federation

IFKF 2018 Karaj Iran Islamic Rep J v AA1287

International Humanitarian Games Association

IHGA 2014 Hamadan Iran Islamic Rep J AA3904

TO'AI World Federation

TWF 2016 Teheran Iran Islamic Rep J XM8388

World Asphal Football International Federation

AFIF 2020 Mashhad Iran Islamic Rep J AA5048

World Union of TOA Associations

WUTA 2010 Teheran Iran Islamic Rep J XJ9747

IOC Regional Committee for the Central Indian Ocean

IOCINDIO Teheran Iran Islamic Rep K g XE1178

Islamic World Science Citation Center

ISC 2004 Shiraz Iran Islamic Rep N XM5210

Mulla Sadra International Society

Teheran Iran Islamic Rep N XQ3039

Centre for International Studies, Teheran

1934 Teheran Iran Islamic Rep U x XG2005

Groupe des réseaux du Moyen-Orient

Teheran Iran Islamic Rep U x XG2089

Imam Khomeini International University

IKIU 1990 Qazvin Iran Islamic Rep U x XN9154


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