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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

International Arctic Science Committee

IASC 1990 Akureyri Iceland C XD1606

Association for Nordic Theatre Scholars

ANTS Reykjavik Iceland D XM7797

Association of Nordic Cancer Registries

ANCR 1984 Reykjavik Iceland D XD2811

CEV Small Countries Association

SCA 1984 Reykjavik Iceland D XJ8517

International Glima Association

IGA 2007 Reykjavik Iceland D XJ1051

Network of Nordic Project Management Associations

NORDNET 1981 Reykjavik Iceland D XJ0626

Nordic and Baltic GeoGebra Network

Reykjavik Iceland D c XM7557

Nordic Association of Otolaryngology

1911 Reykjavik Iceland D XD8082

Nordic Educational Research Association

NERA 1972 Reykjavik Iceland D XD0516

Nordic Society for Philosophy of Education

1997 Akureyri Iceland D v XD8243

Nordisk Dramatikerunion

NDU 1941 Reykjavik Iceland D v XD1263

Nordiska Samarbetsrådet för Kriminologi

NSfK 1962 Reykjavik Iceland D g XD7683

Scandinavian Association of Urology

SAU 1956 Reykjavik Iceland D v XD2590

Adjudicating Committee for the Nordic Council's Literature Prize

1961 Reykjavik Iceland E g XE8199

Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program

CBMP Akureyri Iceland E y XJ2098

Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna

CAFF 1991 Akureyri Iceland E gy XK0713

International Group of Educational Publishers

IGEP 1963 Kópavogur Iceland E XF2878

Nordic Volcanological Center

NordVulk 1972 Reykjavik Iceland E j XE0569

Peace 2000 Institute

1995 Reykjavik Iceland E j XE2614

Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment

PAME 1993 Akureyri Iceland E g XK1390

Surtsey Research Society

1965 Reykjavik Iceland E XE1754

Arctic Circle

Reykjavik Iceland F XM8586

Nordic Actors' Council

1936 Reykjavik Iceland F XD0334

Nordic Forum for Dance Research

NOFOD 1990 Reykjavik Iceland F XF3771

Nordic Network for Geographic Information

GI Norden 1989 Reykjavik Iceland F XJ9055


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