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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

World Wind Energy Association

WWEA 2001 Bonn Germany C yt XC0130

Alliance of European Football Coaches' Associations

AEFCA 1980 Wiesbaden Germany D XM8978

Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik

APV 1954 Düsseldorf Germany D v XD5600

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Simulation

ASIM 1981 Wismar Germany D v XD1942

ASCAT - International Association of Stamp Catalogue, Stamp Album and Philatelic Magazine Publishers

1977 Unterschleissheim Germany D XD7940

Association des fabricants européens d'appareils de contrôle et de régulation

AFECOR 1963 Rastatt Germany D XD0770

Association européenne des graveurs et des flexographes

AEGRAFLEX 1966 Marburg Germany D XD8570

Association for Cancer Immunotherapy

CIMT 2002 Mainz Germany D AA1965

Association for Environmentally Friendly Carpets

1990 Aachen Germany D XD3994

Association for International Promotion of Gums

AIPG Hamburg Germany D XD4879

Association for the Study of the World Refugee Problem

AWR 1954 Höchberg Germany D XD0113

Association Internationale des Réparateurs en Carosserie

AIRC 1969 Friedberg Germany D XD1498

Association internationale du film d'animation

ASIFA 1960 Leipzig Germany D v XD3953

Association of European Administrative Judges

AEAJ 2000 Trier Germany D XJ4110

Association of European Border Regions

AEBR 1971 Gronau Germany D y XD6446

Association of European Manufacturers of Gas Meters, Gas Pressure Regulators, Safety Devices and Stations

FARECOGAZ 1968 Cologne Germany D XD2810

Association of European Migration Institutions

AEMI 1989 Oberhausen Germany D XD5925

Association of European Threat Assessment Professionals

AETAP Darmstadt Germany D t XJ2661

Association of Industrial Ceiling Manufacturers

TAIM 1988 Düsseldorf Germany D t XJ4992

Association of International Dressage Event Organizers

AIDEO Cappeln Germany D XD8383

Association of Medical Schools in Europe

AMSE 1979 Berlin Germany D XD9169

Bibliotheca Baltica

1992 Marburg Germany D XE2299

Bund Europäischer Farbberater/Farbdesigner

BEF Karlsruhe Germany D XM8395

CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium

CAR 2 CAR 2002 Braunschweig Germany D XJ2133

Central European Diatomists

1987 Berlin Germany D XM2114


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