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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

International Center for Education and Human Development

1976 Medellin Colombia G XG0126

Juventudes de la ONU

1970 Cali Colombia G XN2670

Observatorio Sismológico del Sur Occidente

OSSO 1987 Cali Colombia G y XG1762

Regional Centre on Urban Water Management

Cali Colombia G g XM1323

Asociación Latinoamericana de Centros de Educación Cooperativa

ALCECOOP 1989 Bogota Colombia H x XD1619

Asociación Latinoamericana de Fabricantes de Tableros y Fibras de Maderas y Similares

ALAFATA Bogota Colombia H x XD5609

Association of Free Trade Zones of Latin America and the Caribbean

1987 Cartagena de Indias Colombia H tx XD3240

Forum of Ministers of Culture and Officials responsible for Cultural Policy in Latin America and the Caribbean

Bogota Colombia H gx XF3939

Latin American Confederation of Communication Workers

1967 Bogota Colombia H x XD3012

Latin American Federation of Animal Health

1988 Bogota Colombia H tx XD7342

Latin American Federation of International Transport Users' Councils

1979 Bogota Colombia H xy XD8276

Organización del Convenio Andrés Bello de Integración Educativa, Cientifica, Tecnológica y Cultural

1990 Bogota Colombia H gx XE3557

Acción Climática

Bogota Colombia J AA2664

Asociación Latinoamericana de Instituciones de Educación Teológica

ALIET 1980 Cali Colombia J XJ9466

Global Cassava Partnership for the 21st Century

GCP21 2002 Cali Colombia J AA1876

Information Network on Higher Education Studies in Latin America and the Caribbean

Bogota Colombia K XF0722

Centro de Investigación y Consultoria en Cooperación Internacional

CICCI Bogota Colombia N XN6641

Escuela Interamericana de Bibliotecologia

EIB 1956 Medellin Colombia N XN2232

Congregation of Bethlehemite Religious Women, Daughters of the Sacred Heart

SCIF 1668 Bogota Colombia R XR9645

Faithful Servants of Jesus

1941 Cartagena de Indias Colombia R XR2076

Institutum Yarumalense pro Missionibus ad Exteras Gentes

MXY 1927 Medellin Colombia R j XR9824

Andean Forests and Development Foundation

Bogota Colombia U fx XN9192

Association Voices of the Third World

1989 Manizales Colombia U x XG0839

Cassava Biotechnology Network for Latin America and the Caribbean

CBN-LAC 1988 Cali Colombia U x XF4624

Centro de Documentación e Intercambio de Casos

CEDO 1973 Medellin Colombia U x XG9126


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