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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Inter-American Catholic Education Association

ICCE 1945 Bogota Colombia D XD5047

Latin American and Caribbean Consortium to Support Cassava Research and Development

1999 Palmira Colombia D XD9419

Latin American and Caribbean Federation of National Associations of Cargo

1982 Bogota Colombia D XD5151

Latin American Association of Export Credit Insurance Companies

1982 Bogota Colombia D XD2894

Latin American Banking Association

1965 Bogota Colombia D y XD2864

Latin American Bryological Society

1982 Bogota Colombia D XD7471

Latin American Diabetes Association

1970 Bogota Colombia D XD4966

Latin American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery

LSSFN Cartagena de Indias Colombia D XD7578

Latin American Society of Hypertension

LASH 1994 Bucaramanga Colombia D XJ3393

Pan American and Iberian Federation of Critical Medicine and Intensive Care Societies

1979 Cartagena de Indias Colombia D XD8656

Pan American Association of Student Loan Institutions

1969 Bogota Colombia D XD5861

Pan American Society for Transport and Logistics Research

PANAMSTR Barranquilla Colombia D AA3949

Sociedad Andina de Economía Ecológca

SAEE 2013 Cali Colombia D AA5246

Sociedad Especialistas Latinoamericana en Percepción Remota

SELPER 1980 Bogota Colombia D XD0523

Sociedad Interamericana de Cirugia de Columa Minimamente Invasiva

SICCMI 2006 Bogota Colombia D XJ9721

Sociedad Latinoamericana de Dermatologia Veterinaria

SLDV 2011 Bogota Colombia D XJ9410

Sociedad Latinoamericana de Rinologia y Cirugia Plastica Facial

SLARCF 1982 Bogota Colombia D XJ6451

World Archery Americas

COPARCO Medellin Colombia D XD5073

World Skate America

WS America 1954 Bogota Colombia D XD1403

Alumni Association of the Inter-American School of Librarianship

1982 Medellin Colombia E XE1116

Centro Internacional de Fisica

CIF 1985 Bogota Colombia E XE1942

Comité Andino de Autoridades de Transporte Acuatico

CAATA Bogota Colombia E XE2381

Federación Latinoamericana de Comunidades Terapéuticas

FLACT 1986 Medellin Colombia E XD1037

Federación Latinoamericana de Patologia del Tracto Genital Inferior y Colposcopia

FLPTGIC 1992 Bogota Colombia E XM4037

Instituto Teológico Pastoral para América Latina

ITEPAL 1972 Bogota Colombia E j XE2043


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