This information is part of the Open Yearbook, a free service of UIA's subscription-based Yearbook of International Organizations (YBIO). It includes profiles of non-profit organizations working worldwide in all fields of activity. The information contained in the profiles and search functionality of this free service are limited.

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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Global Medicare Foundation

GMF Buea Cameroon J f XM7190

Impact Santé Afrique

ISA Yaoundé Cameroon J AA3375

Plateforme Régionale des Organisations Paysannes d'Afrique Centrale

PROPAC 2005 Yaoundé Cameroon J XM4439

Réseau des Femmes Africaines pour la Gestion Communautaire des forêts

REFACOF 2009 Edéa Cameroon J XJ9418

Université catholique d'Afrique centrale

UCAC 1989 Yaoundé Cameroon J XG3374

Wagon africain de gestion de nouvelles électroniques

Réseau WAGNE 1991 Yaoundé Cameroon K XK0465

Rural World Resources International

RWRI 2000 Bamenda Cameroon N XM1675

Communauté de Marie et des Saints Apôtres de Jésus

1998 Yaoundé Cameroon R s XR0500

ADEID - Action pour un développement équitable, integré et durable

1990 Bafoussam Cameroon U x XN6725

Africa Book Development

ABD 1996 Yaoundé Cameroon U x XF4397

African Civil Society Organization, Addis Ababa

ACSO 2000 Yaoundé Cameroon U x XQ5490

African Committee for Fair Play

Yaoundé Cameroon U x XG1452

African Farmers' Academy

Yaoundé Cameroon U x XG9973

African Forestry Action Network

AFAN 1994 Yaoundé Cameroon U x XN8324

African Heart Foundation

Yaoundé Cameroon U fx XK0379

African Industrial Minerals Network

AIMnet 1998 Yaoundé Cameroon U tx XF6115

African Safou Network

ASANET 1997 Yaoundé Cameroon U x XF6408

Association d'Afrique francophone pour la protection de la propriété industrielle

AAFPPI Yaoundé Cameroon U dt XU1957

Center for Action-Oriented Research on African Development

CARAD Yaoundé Cameroon U x XG5688

Centre africain de recherche et de formation phytosanitaires

CARFOP Dschang Cameroon U x XE1906

Centre africain pour l'auto-promotion

Douala Cameroon U x XN8032

Centre d'études, de recherches et de documentation en droit international et pour l'environnement

CERDIE 1985 Yaoundé Cameroon U x XN5206

Centre for Studies, Research and Documentation on Relations between Africa and Germany

Yaoundé Cameroon U x XG6051

Centre inter-Etats d'enseignement supérieur de santé publique pour l'Afrique centrale

CIESPAC 1988 Yaoundé Cameroon U gx XN2676

Ecole régionale de sécurité incendie

ERSI Douala Cameroon U x XE5977


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