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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

ECTS Medicine Association

ECTS MA 2004 Vienna Austria D XM3733


2012 Vienna Austria D XM5208

Europäische ARGE Landenentwicklung and Dorferneuerung

ARGE 1988 St Pölten Austria D XM5309

Europäische Föderation für Ingenieurbiologie

EFIB 1995 Vienna Austria D XD9308

European Academy of Neurology

EAN 2014 Vienna Austria D XJ7482

European Alliance for Medical Radiation Protection Research

EURAMED Vienna Austria D AA0777

European Architectural Envisioning Association

EAEA 1993 Vienna Austria D XD3834

European Association for Accident Research and Analysis

Graz Austria D XD9467

European Association for American Studies

EAAS 1953 Feldkirch Austria D XD7618

European Association for Knowledge Economy

EURECO 2010 Salzburg Austria D AA1329

European Association for Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy

EANLPt 1995 Vienna Austria D XD7526

European Association for Neuro-Oncology

EANO 1994 Vienna Austria D v XD6855

European Association for Psychotherapy

EAP 1991 Vienna Austria D y XD4072

European Association for Research on Obesity in Childhood

EAROC 2007 Vienna Austria D XJ5368

European Association for the Advancement of Social Sciences

EA 1989 Vienna Austria D XD8788

European Association of Developmental Psychology

EADP 1994 Salzburg Austria D XD6314

European Association of Employed community Pharmacists in Europe

EPhEU 2012 Vienna Austria D XM4462

European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education

EAEVE Vienna Austria D XD2333

European Association of Independent Performing Arts

EAIPA 2018 Vienna Austria D XM7850

European Association of Nuclear Medicine

EANM 1985 Vienna Austria D v XD1720

European Association of Public IT Service Providers

Euritas 2010 Vienna Austria D XM8699

European Association of Thermology

EAT 1972 Vienna Austria D XD3112

European Automobile Engineers Cooperation

EAEC Vienna Austria D XD9041

European Chamber Music Academy

ECMA Vienna Austria D XM8050

European Coaching Federation

EuCF Vienna Austria D XM0967


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