This information is part of the Open Yearbook, a free service of UIA's subscription-based Yearbook of International Organizations (YBIO). It includes profiles of non-profit organizations working worldwide in all fields of activity. The information contained in the profiles and search functionality of this free service are limited.

The full-featured Yearbook of International Organizations (YBIO) includes over 72,500 organization profiles, additional information in the profiles, sophisticated search functionality and data export. For more information about YBIO, please click here or contact us.

The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

International Natural Fiber Organization

INFO Zoetermeer Netherlands C XM5726

Europäischer Verband der Standesbeamtinnen und Standesbeamten

EVS 2000 Zoetermeer Netherlands D XJ6698

European Palm Oil Alliance

EPOA Zoetermeer Netherlands D XM6938

European Technical Contractors Committee for the Construction Industry

1976 Zoetermeer Netherlands E t XD3064

North Sea Advisory Council

NSAC 2004 Zoetermeer Netherlands E y XM2606

Digital Enlightenment Forum

DEF 2013 Zoetermeer Netherlands F AA3690

European Network for Social and Economic Research

ENSR 1990 Zoetermeer Netherlands F XF2798

Pelagic Advisory Council

Pelagic AC 2005 Zoetermeer Netherlands F XJ9711

Pelagic Freezer-trawler Association

PFA Zoetermeer Netherlands J AA2508

Holland International Distribution Council

NDL/HIDC 1987 Zoetermeer Netherlands N XN4706

European Network of Scientific and Technical Cooperation on Women's Studies

ENWS 1989 Zoetermeer Netherlands U x XF5147

International Institute for Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal, Zoetermeer

Zoetermeer Netherlands U jx XN5731
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