This information is part of the Open Yearbook, a free service of UIA's subscription-based Yearbook of International Organizations (YBIO). It includes profiles of non-profit organizations working worldwide in all fields of activity. The information contained in the profiles and search functionality of this free service are limited.

The full-featured Yearbook of International Organizations (YBIO) includes over 77,500 organization profiles, additional information in the profiles, sophisticated search functionality and data export. For more information about YBIO, please click here or contact us.

The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Internet Freedom Network

1996 Washington DC USA U px XJ0508

Interorganizational Commission on International Education

Washington DC USA U x XG7053

Keyette International

KI 1955 Washington DC USA U x XN2490

Labor-Industry Coalition for International Trade

LICIT 1980 Washington DC USA U tx XN3506

Latin American Cancer Research Information Project

LACRIP 1977 Washington DC USA U gx XE9656

Latin American Management Association

LAMA 1973 Washington DC USA U x XD5143

Madonna Plan

MP Washington DC USA U x XN4463

Major Local Government Associations of North America

Washington DC USA U x XG6408

Marco Legal del Tercer Sector

MLTS Network Washington DC USA U x XG8918

Migration and Refugee Services

Washington DC USA U x XN2859

Missionary Vehicle Association

MIVA 1971 Washington DC USA U x XN6205

Mopar Muscle Club International

MMCI 1978 Washington DC USA U x XN4375

Multinational Project on Basic Education

MULTIPROBE Washington DC USA U dg XK1127

Museum Services International

MSI 1981 Washington DC USA U x XG3219

National Register of Prominent Americans and International Notables

NRPAIN 1956 Washington DC USA U x XN1916

New Transcentury Foundation

Washington DC USA U fx XG6540

Nordic Monitoring Services

Washington DC USA U x XN0654

North African Students for Freedom

Washington DC USA U x XN1153

North American Committee

NAC 1957 Washington DC USA U vx XN7467

Nuclear Control Institute

NCI 1981 Washington DC USA U jx XN6823

Of Human Rights

Washington DC USA U x XG3209

Office of International Affairs, Washington DC

Washington DC USA U gx XG8449

Organization of Pan Asian American Women

PANASIA 1976 Washington DC USA U x XN0529

Organizing for Development - International Institute

ODII 1988 Washington DC USA U jx XN1364

Overseas Education Association

1956 Washington DC USA U x XN6168


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