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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID


2002 Vienna Austria F v XJ5868

World Anticancer Movement

WAM 2012 Vienna Austria F XJ8466

World Youth Academy

WYA 2016 Vienna Austria F XM8001

Academic Forum for Foreigh Affairs

AFA 1946 Vienna Austria G XN7907

African Women's Organization

1996 Vienna Austria G AA2168


AAI Vienna Austria G XN5490

Association for Human Rights and Democracy in Africa

AHDA 1998 Vienna Austria G XG9022

Association of Retired International Civil Servants, Austria

ARICSA 1993 Vienna Austria G XG1445

Austrian Development Agency

ADA Vienna Austria G g XJ1155

Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy

1996 Vienna Austria G j XN9865

Austrian Institute for European Law and Policy

1989 Vienna Austria G j XJ5830

Austrian Institute for International Affairs

1979 Vienna Austria G j XN4826

Austrian Peace Council

Vienna Austria G XN4901

Austrian Political Science Association

AuPSA 1970 Vienna Austria G XN3724

Austrian Research Foundation for Development Cooperation

1967 Vienna Austria G f XG2661

Austrian Senior Experts Pool

ASEP Vienna Austria G XM1022

Austrian Society for Environment and Technology

Vienna Austria G XM1026

Austro-French Centre for Rapprochement in Europe

1978 Vienna Austria G g XU2708

Brotherhood of Dragons

BOD 2009 Vienna Austria G XM5337

Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue

1991 Vienna Austria G XG6685

Bruno Kreisky Foundation for Human Rights

1976 Vienna Austria G f XG7877

Catholic Women's Movement of Austria

Vienna Austria G XN7831

Central European Exchange Programme for University Students

CEEPUS Vienna Austria G g XG7839

Central European Society for Anticancer Drug Research-EWIV

CESAR 1999 Vienna Austria G XM8367

Centre for European Integration Research

EIF 2004 Vienna Austria G j XJ3761


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