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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Euro American Association on Telematics and Information Systems

EATIS 2006 Valencia Spain C XJ6417

World Rabbit Science Association

WRSA 1976 Valencia Spain C XD0093


Valencia Spain C y XJ6085

Children's Fashion Europe

CFE 2005 Valencia Spain D XJ4956

European and Mediterranean League Against Thrombotic Diseases

EMLTD 1969 Valencia Spain D XD8642

European Association of Acarologists

EURAAC 1987 Valencia Spain D XD7872

European Oenogastronomic Brotherhoods Council

2005 Valencia Spain D XJ7000

European Organization of Regional External Public Audit Finance Institutions

EURORAI 1992 Valencia Spain D XD6839

European Society of Veterinary Neurology

ESVN 1988 Valencia Spain D v XD2697

European Sports Conference

ESC 2013 Valencia Spain D XM6563

International Association for Languages and Intercultural Communication

IALIC 2000 Valencia Spain D XM1831

International Association of Catholic Medical Schools

IACMS Valencia Spain D XD7961

Mediterranean Network of Basin Organisations

MENBO 2002 Valencia Spain E XE4434

Asociación de las Televisiones Educativas y Culturales Iberoamericanas

ATEI 1992 Valencia Spain F XF3179

European School of Oral Rehabilitation, Implantology and Biomaterials

ESORIB 1990 Valencia Spain F XF2444

Fondation Assemblée des Citoyens et Citoyennes de la Méditerranée

FACM 2008 Valencia Spain F AA3590

Fundación Interamericana Ciencia y Vida

FIVC 1998 Valencia Spain F f XM2590

Instituto Intercultural para la Autogestión y la Acción Comunal

INAUCO 1978 Valencia Spain F j XF3022

Asociación de Jóvenes Investigadores de la Literatura Hispánica

ALEPH 2002 Valencia Spain G AA0634

Centro de Estudios Rurales y de Agricultura Internacional

CERAI 1994 Valencia Spain G XJ3505

Farmacéuticos Mundi

FARMAMUNDI 1991 Valencia Spain G XG6103

Fundació Scito

Valencia Spain G AA0095

Fundación Centro de Estudios Ambientales del Mediterraneo

CEAM 1991 Valencia Spain G fj XJ3786

Fundación Internacional de Apoyo al Desarrollo Local y Social

FIADELSO 1992 Valencia Spain G f XG5954

International Association of Technology, Education and Development

IATED Valencia Spain G XM3238


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