This information is part of the Open Yearbook, a free service of UIA's subscription-based Yearbook of International Organizations (YBIO). It includes profiles of non-profit organizations working worldwide in all fields of activity. The information contained in the profiles and search functionality of this free service are limited.

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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

European Council of Jewish Communities

ECJC 1964 Paris France D y XD4461

European Council of Legal Medicine

ECLM Paris France D XD4175

European Council of Police Unions

ECPU 1988 Paris France D XD2676

European Cytogeneticists Association

ECA Paris France D v XD7109

European Cytokine Society

ECS 1993 Paris France D XD8228

European Federation for Company Sport

EFCS 1962 Paris France D XD7260

European Federation for Managers in Technologies of Information and Communication

eTIC-CEC 1999 Paris France D XG6597

European Federation of Cytology Societies

EFCS 1969 Paris France D XD0056

European Federation of Energy Law Associations

EFELA Paris France D XM8799

European Federation of Joint Management Societies of Producers for Private Audiovisual Copying

EUROCOPYA Paris France D XM3285

European Federation of Managers in the Steel Industry

1952 Paris France D t XD9507

European Federation of National HSP Associations

EURO-HSP 2010 Paris France D XJ6566

European Federation of Railway Trackworks Contractors

EFRTC 1997 Paris France D XD8458

European Generating Set Association

EUROPGEN 1989 Paris France D XD6272

European Gliding Union

EGU 1992 Paris France D XD6205

European Industrial Pharmacist Group

EIPG 1966 Paris France D t XD5993

European Language Resources Association

ELRA 1995 Paris France D XD6073

European Liaison Committee for Pulp and Paper

EUCEPA 1956 Paris France D XD0798

European Ligand Assay Society

ELAS 1992 Paris France D XD4168

European Managers in the Transport Industry

1970 Paris France D t XD9529

European Metropolitan Transport Authorities

EMTA 1998 Paris France D XD9353

European Mollusc Producers' Association

EMPA 1999 Paris France D XM0360

European Oilseed Alliance

EOA 2002 Paris France D yt AA2557

European Photocatalysis Federation

EPF Paris France D XJ6847

European Producers Club

EPC 1993 Paris France D AA2991


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