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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

African Research and Resource Forum

ARRF 2002 Nairobi Kenya F XJ4810

African Roundtable for Sustainable Consumption and Production

ARSCP 2004 Nairobi Kenya F XM5068

African Virtual University

AVU 1997 Nairobi Kenya F g XF5851

African Wildlife Foundation

AWF 1961 Nairobi Kenya F f XF2063

African Women's Development and Communication Network

FEMNET 1988 Nairobi Kenya F XF2166

Agricultural Market Development Trust

AGMARK 2004 Nairobi Kenya F XJ7795

Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa

AGRA 2006 Nairobi Kenya F XM2842


2004 Nairobi Kenya F XM5661

Amref Health Africa

1957 Nairobi Kenya F f XF4288

Animal Traction Network for Eastern and Southern Africa

ATNESA 1990 Nairobi Kenya F XF3848

Arid Lands Information Network - Eastern Africa

ALIN- East Africa 1988 Nairobi Kenya F v XF3626

Association for Christian Theological Education in Africa

ACTEA 1976 Nairobi Kenya F XF0485

Basic Education Resource Centre

BERC 1975 Nairobi Kenya F XF1569

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Network

BES-Net 2016 Nairobi Kenya F XM6841

Campaign For Safer Alternatives

CASA Nairobi Kenya F AA1325

Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in Africa

CYNESA 2012 Nairobi Kenya F XM6052

Christian Organization Research and Advisory Trust of Africa

CORAT Africa 1975 Nairobi Kenya F XF0476

Coalition for Peace in Africa

COPA 1995 Nairobi Kenya F XG7477

Company for Habitat and Housing in Africa

Shelter-Afrique 1982 Nairobi Kenya F eg XM1024

East African Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement

EANECE 2010 Nairobi Kenya F AA5044

Eastern Africa Environmental Network

EAEN 1990 Nairobi Kenya F XF2438

Ecumenical Pharmaceutical Network

EPN 2000 Nairobi Kenya F XM1472

EverGreen Agriculture Partnership

2012 Nairobi Kenya F y XJ9380

Fairtrade Africa

FTA 2004 Nairobi Kenya F t XJ0834

Farm Concern International

FCI Nairobi Kenya F AA1256


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