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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Africa Atrocities Watch

Kampala Uganda D XM5095

African Fine Coffees Association

AFCA 2000 Kampala Uganda D XJ3166

African Palliative Care Association

APCA 2004 Kampala Uganda D XJ6371

Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa

AFSA 2008 Kampala Uganda D AA1173

ApiTrade Africa

2008 Kampala Uganda D t XM4005

Association of Medical Schools in Africa

AMSA 1963 Kampala Uganda D XD6114

Association of Parliamentary Libraries of Eastern and Southern Africa

APLESA 1994 Kampala Uganda D XD9354

Community Based Impact Assessment Network for Eastern Africa

CIANEA Kampala Uganda D XJ0198


2005 Kampala Uganda D AA2845

East African Book Development Association

EABDA 1998 Kampala Uganda D XD8826

East African Centre of Excellence for Renewable Energy and Efficiency

EACREEE 2016 Kampala Uganda D g XM6105

Eastern Africa Alliance on Carbon Markets and Climate Finance

Kampala Uganda D g AA3468

Federation of African University Sports

FASU 1974 Kampala Uganda D XD3530

Federation of University Women of Africa

FUWA Kampala Uganda D XD3418

Union of National African Paediatric Societies and Associations

UNAPSA 1979 Kampala Uganda D XD6865

Arab African Youth Council

AAYC 2004 Kampala Uganda E XJ2216

Bellanet Alliance of Social Entrepreneurs

BASE 1995 Kampala Uganda E XK1503

Community Health and Information Network

CHAIN 1998 Kampala Uganda E XM1077

Eastern Africa Action Network on Small Arms

EAANSA Kampala Uganda E XM4533

Inter-University Council for East Africa

IUCEA 1980 Kampala Uganda E gy XE2774

International Community of Women living with HIV Eastern Africa

ICWEA Kampala Uganda E XJ9331

International Law Institute - African Centre for Legal Excellence

ILI - ACLE 1997 Kampala Uganda E j XG9252

United Nations African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders

UNAFRI 1989 Kampala Uganda E gj XE6121

Africa Freedom of Information Centre

AFIC 2006 Kampala Uganda F y XJ7664

African Field Epidemiology Network

AFENET 2005 Kampala Uganda F XJ3741


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