This information is part of the Open Yearbook, a free service of UIA's subscription-based Yearbook of International Organizations (YBIO). It includes profiles of non-profit organizations working worldwide in all fields of activity. The information contained in the profiles and search functionality of this free service are limited.

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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

International Association of Computed Tomography

IntACT 2013 Ghent Belgium J XJ9117

African Sculptures and Cultures

ASC Ghent Belgium N XN9906

Afrika Brug

Ghent Belgium N XN8681

Association internationale pour la promotion du théâtre de jeunes en langues étrangères

ArtDraLa Ghent Belgium N XM0453

Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy

IRCP 1992 Ghent Belgium N j XG9700

International Fair and Congress Services

IFAS Ghent Belgium N XN9628

International University of Martial Arts

IUMA 1990 Ghent Belgium N XN7178

Soeurs de Notre-Dame de la Visitation

Notre Dame de la Visitation 1669 Ghent Belgium R XR0409

International Symposium on Crop Protection

Ghent Belgium S c XS5520

International Symposium on Quantitative Mass Spectrometry in Life Sciences

Ghent Belgium S c XS5692

African Council for Development and Cooperation

1997 Ghent Belgium U x XG3763

Babbage Institute for Knowledge and Information Technology

BIKIT 1985 Ghent Belgium U jx XG5170

Centrum voor Mondiale Vorming Afrika

Ghent Belgium U x XN0352

Charta 91 - European Initiative

1992 Ghent Belgium U x XN5768

Contrastive Linguistics and Language Typology in Europe

CoLLaTE 1996 Ghent Belgium U x XF4660

European Physics Education Network

EUPEN 1996 Ghent Belgium U xy XF5620

Europees Centrum voor Opera en Vocale Kunst

ECOV 1985 Ghent Belgium U x XN0406

Europees Figurenteatercentrum

1989 Ghent Belgium U x XG0640

Europees Instituut voor Multiculturele Dansvernieuwing

EMUDA Ghent Belgium U jx XG6577

Flanders International Gymnastics

Ghent Belgium U x XN0032

Flemish European Media Institute

FEMI Ghent Belgium U jx XN1375

Institute International Transport Law Overseas and by Road

Ghent Belgium U jx XN2533

Interdisciplinary Research and Training Centre for Development Cooperation

ISVO Ghent Belgium U x XG7006

Internationaal Centrum voor Eurointegratie

Ghent Belgium U x XN9656

Internationaal Trefpunt Vlaanderen

ITV Ghent Belgium U x XN6965


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