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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

African Chess Union

Gaborone Botswana D XJ0290

African Softball Confederation

2007 Gaborone Botswana D XM4065

Association of SADC Chambers of Commerce and Industry

ASCCI 1992 Gaborone Botswana D t XD7286

Communications Regulators' Association of Southern Africa

CRASA 1997 Gaborone Botswana D XD7545

Distance Education Association of Southern Africa

DEASA Gaborone Botswana D XD5817

Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development for Southern Africa

CCARDESA 2011 Gaborone Botswana E g XJ9321

Institute of Development Management

IDM 1974 Gaborone Botswana E j XE0213

Southern African Development Community Accreditation Service

SADCAS Gaborone Botswana E XM5876

Southern African Trade Union Coordination Council

SATUCC 1983 Gaborone Botswana E t XE6122

Youth Alliance for Leadership and Development in Africa

YALDA 2004 Gaborone Botswana E XJ2728

Electoral Commissions Forum of SADC Countries

ECF-SADC 1998 Gaborone Botswana F g XF5658

Southern African Development Community

SADC 1992 Gaborone Botswana F g XF2522

Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality

SACMEQ 1995 Gaborone Botswana F g XF6449

Southern and Eastern Africa Network of Analytical Chemists

SEANAC 2003 Gaborone Botswana F XF6987

SADC Centre for Specialization in Public Administration and Management

CESPAM 2000 Gaborone Botswana K XK2352

Association of Theological Institutions in Southern and Central Africa

ATISCA 1986 Gaborone Botswana U x XE0461

Educational Research Network in Eastern and Southern Africa

ERNESA 1985 Gaborone Botswana U x XF3460

Network for Analytical and Bioassay Services in Africa

NABSA 1992 Gaborone Botswana U x XF3865

Southern African Development Community Logistical Advisory Centre

Gaborone Botswana U gx XK0551

University of Botswana and Swaziland

UBS 1976 Gaborone Botswana U gn XG6387
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