Encyclopedia of World Problems

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title:8.3 Learnings for the future of dialogue

1. Mapping forms and opportunities for dialogue

There is the clear implication that dialogues of different quality and consequence could be associated with distinct conditions, whether considered as stages or frameworks. But the dangers of focusing on "higher level" dialogue, at the expense of others forms, derive from the failure to recognize the functions of each kind of dialogue and how they complement each other within society.


title:7.4 Global configuration from number theory

A unique computer software package, Chryzode, has been developed to enable the visual exploration of complex patterns generated using all the riches of the mathematical theory of numbers as the relate to projective geometry. It uses hitherto little explored mathematical properties to handle the presentation of large amounts of information in a comprehensible manner. The package is being developed by Jean-Pierre Sonntag (Résonances Transdisciplinaires, Les Gîtes, Revest des Brousses, F-04150 Banon, France).


title:7.3 Interrelating incompatible viewpoints

1. Dilemma of many possible views

This Encyclopedia seeks to respond to the dilemma of the many possible views concerning the nature of sustainable human development. Usually any such view considers itself more appropriate than other competing views. Few views account for the existence of other views except as being predecessors or misguided. And yet it is the interaction of such views within a conceptual ecology which characterizes the dynamics of human society. Different views engender different styles of human development and give rise to different problems.


title:7.1 Transformative policy cycles

1. Introduction

This exercise is concerned with identifying and representing patterns of change and with the development of better ways of responding to its possibilities in various forms of socially organized activity, such that developmental momentum is conserved within the pattern rather than being dissipated unusefully.

The focus is on moving beyond the inadequacies of single policies in an effort to provide an adequate policy framework for sustainable development. The challenge, as explored in Section MZ, is to avoid single-policy weaknesses such as:



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