Structure and Statutes

Name Based in
Cyril Ritchie (UIA President) Switzerland
Dragana Avramov (UIA Vice-President) Belgium
Esperanza Duran (UIA Vice-President) Switzerland
Marilyn Mehlmann (UIA Vice-President) Sweden
Jacques de Mévius (UIA Secretary-General) Belgium
Brigitte Motte (UIA Treasurer) Belgium

Other Council Members  
Sheila Bordier Switzerland
Tim Casswell Canada
Alessandro Cortese Belgium
Yves Moreau Belgium
Rolf Reinhardt Germany
Simone Van Beek Netherlands
Judy Wickens Belgium
Barrie Williams United Kingdom
Marisha Wojciechowska-Shibuya Canada
Johann Wolfschwenger Austria

Anne-Marie Boutin


Anne-Marie Boutin has been the President of the UIA since 1998, and a member of the Executive Council since 1994. She is also the President of the Agence pour la promotion de la création industrielle - APCI, in France, and Conseiller maître of the Cour des Comptes (French National Audit Office).

She is a member of the selection committee of the Design 21 programme of UNESCO, and also a member of advisory committees for several international art and design schools in France and abroad. Ms. Boutin is the author of numerous articles and contributions to books and catalogues on design education, design management, design strategy, design-culture and technology. She regularly participates as jury member or expert in French or international competitions and awards.

In addition, Ms. Boutin has been: a member of the Executive Board (1982-1992) and Regional Advisor (2001) of the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design - ICSID; President and Director of the French national institute for advanced studies in design, ENSCI-les Ateliers (1984-1992); an elected member of the french national commission for UNESCO (1988-1993), and, during the same period, a consultant to the OECD for the evaluation of innovation policies and education systems and of the World bank for development policies; a member of the design expert group of the European Commission (1985 -1997); expert delegated to the Director of the Ecole Nationale d'Administration (French Institute for Civil Servants) and responsible for international affairs (1970-1979).

Tim Casswell


Tim Casswell has been a Vice-President of the UIA since 2005, and a member of the Executive Council since 2003. He is also a regular facilitator at the UIA Associate Members meeting and other meeting industry events. Tim is the Founder and Director of Creative Connection.

Tim is an independent coach, consultant and facilitator to a variety of organizations and conferences (local, international, commercial, non-profit) in relation to their strategic development and human relations skills. For over 25 years, Tim has been fascinated by the art of personal and organizational change. He has worked with local communities in India and Indonesia, public sector bodies and international associations in Europe, international corporations in the UK and Canada and international conferences all over the world, including the Global Forum (Rio de Janeiro, 1992). He is equally at home facilitating large group participation, coaching teams intent on enhancing the quality, creativity and vitality of their relationships, or coaching on a one to one basis.

Tim was previously employed at the UIA editing the "Transformative Conferencing", segment of the 1986 edition of UIA's Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential. Two programmes that he has developed and delivers are "A School of Unknowing", which develops imagination, initiative, creativity and courage, and challenges the validity of strongly held beliefs, and "The Coincidence Initative", a practical mentoring programme that facilitates the development of transformative leaders. Tim has a background in sociology, psychology and community development and he brings to his facilitation work influences from theatre, graphic art, music and poetry. He is an artist in residence at the Southbank Centre.

Marilyn Mehlmann


Marilyn Mehlmann is a Vice-President of the UIA since 2005, and a member of the Executive Council since 2003. She is also the General Secretary of GAP International since 1995, which is concerned with community-based approaches to sustainable development in nine-teen countries.

Ms. Mehlmann, is a partner and senior consultant with the Fenix Group (Sweden), focusing on sustainability, leadership and social change processes. She is also a founder member and board member of the Swedish Community of Learners. Her experience combines backgrounds in psychosynthesis, Enspiriting, and empowerment to create new fora for personal and professional development, including a coaching 'master class' currently offered in four countries.

In addition, Ms. Mehlmann is a Member of the Advisory Boards of People-Centered Development Forum, Seattle, and of Gaia University, Germany and Mexico. She was previously involved with product development at IBM, and with action research at the Swedish Centre for Working Life. Ms. Mehlmann is the author of numerous publications.

Cyril Ritchie


Cyril Ritchie is a Vice-President of the UIA since 1998, and has been a member of the Executive Council since 1984. He has served as the UIA Representative to the United Nations in New York, Geneva and Vienna since 1988, and also to other international agencies and NGOs.

Mr. Ritchie is the President of the Federation of International NGOs in Geneva (FIIG), of CoNGO, and of the Council of Europe INGO Grouping "Civil society and democracy in Europe", meeting regularly in Strasbourg. He is also on the Steering Committee of the UBUNTU World Campaign for in-depth Reform of International Institutions, based in Barcelona, and is the Chairman of the Environment Liaison Centre International, headquartered in Nairobi.

In addition, Mr. Ritchie has been: the long-term President of the Switzerland Chapter of the Society for International Development; the Executive Director of the International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA) for 14 years; the President of the 2006 International Civil Society Forum for Democracy held in Qatar; the Chair of the World Civil Society Conference (WOCSOC) in Montréal. He has participated in most of the United Nations Summits and World Conferences (Food, Environment, Women, Habitat, Nutrition, Social Development, Information, Sustainable Development…)

Jacques de Mévius


Jacques de Mévius is the Secretary-General of the UIA since December 2005, and a member of the Executive Council since November 2003. He is also a member of: the Council of Codeart (Coopération au développement de l'Artisanat); the Development Alternatives Global Advisory Council, an NGO active in the field of alternative technology transfer.

Mr. de Mévius is a member of the board and shareholder of: Rayvax (a family businesses management company); Systems Europe (rural electrification and renewable energies systems studies). Both companies are situated in Belgium. He is also a significant shareholder (together with Dr Ashok Khosla) of "Tarahaat", a network of franchised telecentre projects in India. He is also involved in the funding of a primary school in Mali, since 2006.

Hobbies: horseback riding; tennis; skiing; playing ice hockey (name of the team: "the flying turtles"); polar expeditions. He is married and has three children.

Dr Dragana Avramov

Dragana Avramov is a Vice-President of the UIA since 2017.


  • Ph.D. Sociology – Population Studies and Policies
  • M.Sc. Sociology of Culture and Cultural Policy
  • B.A. Sociology
  • College degree in Journalism

Professional experience

  • More than 20 years of experience as researcher in social sciences and humanities
  • Expert for the European Commission, Council of Europe and United Nations
  • Evaluator, reviewer, rapporteur, chair of panels and independent observer for the European Commission
  • Expert for the regional and national scientific evaluation organisations: Baltic Organisations’ Network for Funding Science (BONUS), the Swedish Research Council (FORMAS), AREA Science Part Trieste, Italy, ISFOL Rome, Italy
  • Former director of the Demographic Research Centre, Institute of Social Sciences
  • Active in scientific associations and international non-governmental organisations (e.g. International Union for the Scientific Study of Population – IUSSP, European Science Foundation, European Association for the Advancement of Social Sciences, Union of International Associations), University of Belgrade
  • Contributed to grass-root and voluntary organisations working with the disadvantaged groups (e.g. European Federation of National Organizations Working with the Homeless (FEANTSA), Day of Persons with Disabilities)

Full biography

Name Position E-mail LinkedIn
Carine Faveere Coordinator, Yearbook Editor
Carol Williams Yearbook Editor  
Chloé Houyoux Calendar Editor  
Christelle Behets Yearbook Editor
Clara Fernández López External Relations Manager
Frédéric Magin IT Administrator  
João Andrade Junior Web & Database Developer
Joel Fischer Statistics Coordinator, Yearbook Editor
Judy Wickens Volunteer Adviser  
Kimberly Trathen Calendar Editor  
Liesbeth Van Hulle Yearbook Editor-in-Chief
Nordine Bittich Web & Database Developer  
Ryan Brubaker Web & Database Developer  
Sylvie Hosselet Calendar Editor-in-Chief  
Yolande Vlaminck HR & Office Administrator

Union of International Associations (UIA) / Union des Associations Internationales (UAI) / Unie van de Internationale Verenigingen (UIV)

SECTION I - Legal Structure, Name, Registered Office, Aims, Duration

Article 1. Name and structure

The association is a non-profit-making international association.

It is named ‘UNION DES ASSOCIATIONS INTERNATIONALES’, or UAI, or in English ‘UNION OF INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS’, or UIA. The full name and the abbreviation may be used together or separately.

Article 2. Registered office

The registered office is in the Région de Bruxelles-Capitale.

It may be transferred to any other place in the Bruxelles-Capital Region, or in the French-language region of Belgium, by decision of the Council, which has full power to authenticate the transfer and any consequent statutory modifications, without any resulting modification to the language of these statutes.

Article 3. Disinterested aims and objectives

The disinterested aim of the association is international service to contribute to a universal order based on principles of human dignity, solidarity of peoples and freedom of communication.

In order to achieve this disinterested objective, the association aims to carry out the following activities, in Belgium and abroad, on its own account or for the account of its members:

  • To undertake and promote research and studies on transnational associative networks, considered to be an essential component of contemporary society
  • To collect and distribute the most comprehensive documentation possible on international organizations and associations, both governmental and non-governmental, and on new forms of transnational co-operation
  • To collect and distribute data on the various meetings organized by international bodies
  • To encourage and undertake all possible action aimed at promoting the development and efficiency of non-governmental networks, as well as communication between people working in an international context and co-operation between associations
  • To study, categorize, analyse, compare and illustrate world problems as perceived by international organizations.

Article 4. Duration

The association is constituted for an unlimited duration.

SECTION II - Members

Article 5. Categories of membership

§ 1. The association is composed of Active Members and Associate Members, as well as Honorary Members.

The number of Active Members may not be less than twenty (20).

§ 2. Active Members are individual persons accepted into the association in accordance with article 6 § 1 of these statutes. They are chosen without distinction of nationality, race, sex or religious creed, nor of adherence to ideological, political or professional groups, from among persons who are particularly interested in the organization’s aims, provided that no more than one-fifth of the Active Members are of the same nationality

§ 3. Associate Members are accepted into the association in accordance with article 6 § 2 of these statutes and may be organizations, foundations, institutions, enterprises, groups of any kind or individuals, without distinction of nationality, race, sex or religious creed, nor of adherence to ideological, political or professional groups, with an interest in the aims and activities of the association and wishing to give their moral or financial support and effective collaboration.

§ 4. Honorary Members are accepted into the association in accordance with article 6 § 3 of these statutes. They are personalities on whom the General Assembly confers this title in consideration of their great competence or in recognition of the eminent services they have rendered to the UIA.

§ 5. Only Active Members enjoy the full rights given to members in accordance with the Companies and Associations Code or by these statutes.

Associate Members have only the rights and duties given to them by these statutes.

§ 6. Members are not responsible for commitments contracted by the association.

Article 6. Admission procedure

§ 1. Admission of Active Members.

To be accepted as an Active Member, the individual person who conforms to the conditions set out in the preceding article must be proposed by the Council and accepted by the General Assembly.

For this purpose the candidate must send to the Secretary-general by post or by email to the email address of the association a request with motivation and indicating the candidate’s family name, given name and address of domicile.

As soon as a decision has been taken by the General Assembly, the Secretary-general notifies the candidate, by post or by email, of the decision taken regarding his/her request.

The General Assembly may refuse the request. A decision of a refusal is final.

§ 2. Admission of Associate Members

To be accepted as an Associate Member, the person or group who conforms to the conditions set out in the preceding article must be accepted by the Council.

For this purpose the candidate must send to the Secretary-general by post or by email to the email address of the association a request indicating either the candidate’s family name, given name and domicile address or the coordinates of the organization concerned together with the coordinates of its legal representative.

The Secretary-general notifies the candidate, by post or by email, of the decision taken regarding his/her, or its, request.

The Council may refuse the request. A decision of a refusal is final.

§ 3. Admission of Honorary Members

For the admission of an Honorary Member, the General Assembly will take into consideration the great competence of the person or will nominate him or her in recognition of the eminent services rendered to the UIA. Honorary Members may resign by notification in writing to the Secretary-general.

Article 7. Resignation

§ 1. Each Active Member or Associate Member of the association is free to resign at any time.

This resignation must be addressed to the Secretary-general by letter sent to the registered office of the association or by email to the email address of the association.

§ 2. An Active Member who has failed to respond to the invitation to participate in two successive Assemblies can, after a lapse of six months from the date of the second Assembly, be considered by the Council to have resigned.

§ 3. An Associate Member which does not pay its subscriptions is considered to have resigned twelve months after notification by the Secretary-general.

§ 4. A resigning Active Member or Associate Member has no right to the assets of the association and can not claim reimbursement of any subscriptions which have been paid.

§ 5. A resigning Active Member or Associate Member can not demand or require any reports, copies of accounts, affixing of seals on premises, or inventories.

Article 8. Exclusion

§ 1. The Council can exclude an Associate Member without giving any reason.

§ 2. Only the General Assembly is competent to decide on the exclusion of an Active Member. The exclusion must be indicated in the call to the meeting.

An Active Member whose exclusion is requested has the right to make known his/her observations in writing to the General Assembly, after the proposal to exclude him/her has been communicated to him/her.

The exclusion of an Active Member can be pronounced by the General Assembly only if at least one-half of the Active Members are present or represented at the Assembly and only if at least two-thirds of the votes expressed are for the exclusion, abstentions not being counted.

§ 3. The Secretary-general communicates to the Active Member or Associate Member concerned the decision of exclusion by email to the email address which has been communicated to the association. If the Member has chosen to communicate with the association by letter, the decision is communicated by letter.

§ 4. An Active Member or Associate Member thus excluded has no right to the assets of the association and can not claim reimbursement of subscriptions which have been paid.

§ 5. An Active Member or Associate Member thus excluded can not demand or require any reports, copies of accounts, affixing of seals on premises, or inventories.

Article 9. Subscriptions for membership

Active Members and Associate Members pay an annual subscription which can be a different amount for each category of membership. The amounts of the subscriptions are fixed, for Active Members, by the General Assembly and, for Associate Members, by the Council.

The subscription for Active Members can not exceed three hundred and fifty euros (350€). That for Associate Members can not exceed ten thousand euros (10,000€).

SECTION III. - Administration – Control

Article 10. Composition of the Council

The management of the association is carried out by a Council composed of a minimum of 10 Active Members and a maximum of 18 Active Members.

The Council Members are elected by the General Assembly for a term of four years and may be re-elected. Half the Council is re-elected every two years by the General Assembly.

The General Assembly can terminate at any time, with immediate effect and without giving a reason, the mandate of any Council Member.

The mandate of outgoing Council Members who have not been re-elected ceases immediately after the General Assembly which has conducted the election.

Any Council Member can resign by simply notifying the Secretary-general. He/she can himself/herself take all necessary steps to inform outside bodies that the mandate has ended.

Article 11. Presidency of the Council

The Council elects from among its members a President, three Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer-general and a Secretary-general, who together form the Bureau of the UIA, the executive body of the Council.

If the President is unavailable, he is replaced by a Vice-President, or in the case of the absence of any Vice-President, by another Council Member designated by his/her fellow Council Members.

Article 12. Convocation to Council Members

The Council meets when the President sends a convocation or, if the President is unavailable, a Vice-President or the Secretary-general sends a convocation; if the Vice-Presidents or Secretary-general are absent or unavailable, another Council Member designated by his/her fellow Council Members can send a convocation.

The meeting is held at the place indicated in the convocation, or, in the absence of any such indication, at the registered office.

Article Article 13. Proceedings of the Council

The Council may validly proceed with its discussions and decisions only if at least one-third of the Members are present or represented.

Any Council Member can appoint another Council Member to represent him/her at a specified meeting of the Council and to vote in his/her place. This proxy appointment must be given in writing. The Council Member making this appointment is considered to be present.

One Council Member can not represent more than three other Council Members.

The Council can not validly hold discussions or make decisions on any points which are not specified on the agenda unless all the Council Members are present and consent.

Decisions of the Council can be taken by unanimous agreement of all the Council Members, expressed in writing.

Decisions of the Council are taken by simple majority in the case of a vote. Abstentions are not taken into account.

In the event of a tie the person presiding over the meeting has a casting vote.

Article 14. Minutes of the Council

The decisions taken by the Council are confirmed in the minutes signed by the person presiding over the meeting or by two Council Members.

These minutes are kept in a special register.

Proxy appointments, and also the opinions and votes sent in writing, are annexed to the minutes.

Any copies of, or extracts from, these minutes are to be signed by one or several Council Members with the authority of representation as set out in article 15 § 2 of these statutes.

Article 15. Powers of the Council

§ 1. The Council has the capacity to carry out all activities which are necessary or useful to achieve the objectives and goals of the association, except those which the law or these statutes reserve for the General Assembly.

§ 2. Without prejudice to the capacity of the right of general representation by the Council as a body, the association is validly committed, in justice or not, by documents signed by the President and Secretary-general acting together. They are not obliged to prove their authorisation to outside parties.

Article 16. Remuneration of Council Members

The General Assembly decides whether or not the service of Council Members is provided voluntarily.

Article 17. Daily management

Daily management, together with the representation of the association in this daily management, is the responsibility of the Secretary-general.

This comprises not only the activities and decisions necessary to the daily running of the association but also the activities and decisions which, because of their minor nature or their urgency, do not justify the intervention of the Council.

The Secretary-general can, as far as daily management is concerned, make special appointments to a member of the Secretariat staff by procuration to represent the association for matters of day-to-day organization such as signing contracts with suppliers, relations with postal services, banks, public administrations, etc.

Article 18. Supervision of the association

When required by the law and within the limits foreseen by the law, supervision of the association is carried out by one or more ‘commissioners’ (registered with the Institute of Company Auditors) appointed for three years, renewable.

Article 19. Treasurer-general and auditor of accounts

Each year, the Treasurer-general provides to the Council Members the accounts approved by a professional auditor. The Treasurer-general provides for the scrutiny of the Council the accounts and the budget. The Treasurer-general presents, for each annual General Assembly, a financial report covering the accounting period completed since the preceding General Assembly, and also the budget foreseen for the next accounting period to come.

Article 20. Special commissions

The General Assembly or the Council can establish and terminate special commissions, composed of suitably qualified persons, prepared to undertake particular tasks necessary to the development of the association.

The reports or resolutions of the special commissions are submitted to the Council which will, if this is considered opportune, take the necessary steps to achieve the wishes expressed by the commissions or to put into effect their recommendations.

Article 21. Secretariat

The administration and operational business shall be carried out at the secretariat of the association, to which all official correspondence must be addressed. The Secretary-general, acting on behalf of the Council, shall safeguard the interests of the association at all times and in every respect.

The Secretary-general shall appoint the members of the Secretariat to act on his/her behalf and also the staff members (or contracted individuals) as are necessary for the proper conduct of the work of the association. The Secretary-general is responsible for generating the income needed to support and develop the operations of the association, and can make strategic decisions using the available resources for this purpose, subject to subsequent ratification by the Council.

The Secretary-general may take decisions on urgent matters that are normally within the competence of the Council when, for special reasons, the Council is unable to meet or the President can not be consulted. Such decisions shall be submitted, for ratification, amendment or appeal, to the following session of the Council and the President shall be informed as soon as possible.

The Secretariat sets out the projects in the programme and prepares the budget of the association. It ensures that the decisions of the General Assembly and the Council are carried out. It submits to the Council reports of activities and financial reports relative to the activities carried out.

SECTION IV: General Assembly

Article 22. Composition

The General Assembly is composed of all the Active Members.

Article 23: Powers

The General Assembly exercises the powers conferred on it by the law and these statutes.

This comprises notably the following competencies which will be carried out by the General Assembly:

  1. Modification of the statutes;
  2. Nomination and dismissal of Council Members and fixing of their remuneration if such remuneration is to be attributed to them;
  3. Nomination and dismissal of a commissioner and fixing of his remuneration;
  4. Discharge to be granted to the Council Members and the commissioner, as well as, if this case arises, introduction of any legal action against the Council Members and the commissioners;
  5. Approval of the annual accounts and the budget;
  6. Dissolution of the association;
  7. Exclusion of an Active Member;
  8. All other matters required by the law or these statutes.

Article 24. Organization and convocation

An annual General Assembly shall be held each year in the six months following the conclusion of the financial exercise.

The Council and, where required, the commissioner must convene a General Assembly as foreseen by the law or these statutes, and also each time that the interests of the association require this or a request is made by at least one-fifth of the Active Members.

The convocations to General Assemblies include the agenda. They are sent by email despatched at least 15 days before the Assembly to the Active Members and, where required, to the commissioner. They are sent by post to persons for whom the association has no email address, post despatched on the same day as the email convocations.

However, the Council must bring to the attention of the Members at least three months in advance the date of the Extraordinary General Assembly which will decide on the modification of the statutes or the dissolution of the association.

A copy of the documents which must be transmitted to the General Assembly in accordance with the law is posted on the website of the association and made available to the Active Members, and to the commissioners who request this.

Article 25. Admission to the General Assembly

To be admitted to the General Assembly and to exercise the right to vote, a member must be an Active Member.

Honorary Members may, by their request, take part in the General Assembly, in an advisory capacity.

If the General Assembly is discussing a report written by the commissioner, he/she takes part in the discussion.

Article 26. Sessions

The General Assembly is presided over by the President of the Council or, in the absence of the President by a Vice-President, or failing that by a Council Member chosen by the Assembly. If no Council Member is present, the Assembly will be presided over by an Active Member chosen by the Assembly.

The person presiding will designate a reporting secretary.

Article 27. Deliberations

§ 1. Only Active Members have a right to vote in the General Assembly. The vote of every Active Member has equal weight in the General Assembly and each Active Member has one vote.

§ 2. Any Active Member may give to another Active Member written authority to represent him/her in the General Assembly and to vote in his/her place by proxy.

One Active Member may represent in the General Assembly a maximum of five (5) others by proxy.

§ 3. The Council may arrange for the possibility for the Active Members to take part in the General Assembly by means of electronic communication provided by the association, in respect of article 10:7/1, §1er, of the Companies and Associations Code.

Members who take part in the General Assembly by this means are considered to be present at the place where the General Assembly is held for the purpose of counting numbers present and majority.

In this case, the convocation to the General Assembly includes a clear and precise description of the procedures relating to such participation off-site.

The President, the secretary and any persons serving as Assembly tellers may not take part virtually, they must be present.

§ 4. All Members have the possibility to vote remotely before the General Assembly by electronic means, according to arrangements specified by the Council.

The validity of the Active Member and the identity of the person wishing to vote remotely before the Assembly are checked and confirmed by the methods specified by the Council.

§ 5. Any General Assembly can deliberate only on the proposals which are on the agenda, unless all those invited are present or represented, and if represented by proxy their proxies specifically mention that they agree.

§ 6. The General Assembly may deliberate on the matters on which it is exclusively competent in accordance with these statutes only if at least one-third (1/3) of the Active Members are present or represented.

If this condition is not fulfilled, a second convocation will be necessary and this new Assembly can deliberate and make valid decisions whatever the number of Active Members present or represented.

§ 7. Except where it is specified otherwise in these statutes, decisions are taken by simple majority of the votes cast, abstentions not being taken into account, whatever the number of Members represented at the Assembly.

However, the General Assembly may deliberate validly and make decisions on modifications to the statutes only if the proposed modifications are indicated precisely in the convocation and if at least two-thirds (2/3) of the Active Members are present or represented at the Assembly.

If this last condition is not fulfilled, a second convocation will be necessary and this new Assembly can deliberate and make valid decisions whatever the number of Active Members present or represented.

Any modification is allowed only if it is approved by at least two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast, abstentions not being taken into account. Any modification to the purpose or aims of the association is allowed only if it is approved by at least four fifths (4/5) of the votes cast, abstentions not being taken into account.

§ 8. Notarized actions are solely required for modifications to the statutes relating to the following:

  • The competencies assigned to the General Assembly, the means of convocation and its method of taking decisions, as well as the conditions for communicating its decisions to the Active Members;
  • The conditions for modifying the statutes;
  • The conditions for the dissolution and liquidation of the association and the purpose of the disinterested project to which the assets of the association shall be transferred in the event of dissolution.

In addition, all modifications to the statutes concerning the precise description of the disinterested purpose of the association and the activities relating to its aims must be approved by Royal Decree.

Article 28. Minutes

The minutes confirming the decisions of the General Assembly are recorded in a register kept at the registered office. They are signed by the person presiding over the General Assembly and by the reporting secretary.

The list of those present, plus any associated reports, proxy appointments or votes by correspondence are annexed to the minutes.

The register of the minutes is kept at the registered office of the association where all Active Members can consult it, but without removing it from the office.

Copies to be supplied to third parties are signed by a member of the Council who has authority to represent the association.

Decisions made by the General Assembly are brought to the attention of the Active Members by electronic means.

SECTION V: Financial Resources – Financial Year – Internal Rules

Article 29. Financial resources

The financial resources available to the association are notably:

  1. The subscriptions of Active Members and Associate Members.
  2. Payments for research, study and consultation contracts entered into with members, international organizations and public or private institutions.
  3. Grants from international organizations and public or private authorities.
  4. Donations and legacies.
  5. Proceeds from the sale of publications and services.

Article 30. Financial year

The financial year commences on 1 January and ends on 31 December of each year.

Each year, on a proposal by the Treasurer-general, the Council approves the budget for the following financial year. The General Assembly of Active Members approves the budget in its next Assembly.

SECTION VI: Dissolution – Liquidation

Article 31. Dissolution

The association can be dissolved at any time, by decision of the General Assembly deliberating under the same conditions as for modification of the statutes.

Reporting obligations applicable in accordance with the law will be respected in this eventuality.

Article 32. Liquidators

If the association is dissolved, for any reason and at any time, the Council Members currently in office are designated as liquidators by virtue of these statutes if no other liquidator has been appointed, without prejudice to the possibility of the General Assembly to appoint one or several liquidators and to determine their powers and remuneration.

Article 33. Disposal of the assets

If the association is dissolved and liquidated, the Extraordinary General Assembly decides on the disposal of the assets of the association, and the assets must under any circumstances be transferred to another disinterested purpose.

If the General Assembly has made no decision, the liquidators will give the remaining assets to another body whose aims are as close as possible to those for which this association was constituted.

This transfer is carried out after payment of all debts, costs and expenses of the liquidation or after setting aside all sums necessary for this purpose.

SECTION VI: Miscellaneous

Article 34. Choice of domicile

For the application of these statutes, any Active Member, Council Member, commissioner or liquidator may choose as official domicile the registered office where all communications, summonses, assignments, notifications can validly be delivered to him/her if he/she has not chosen another address in Belgium for the purposes of the association.

Article 35. Judicial competence

For any litigation between the association, the Active Members, Council Members, commissioners and liquidators concerning the business of the association and the application of these statutes, the judicial authorities relevant to the registered office are competent, unless the association has specifically discounted this.

Article 36. Common law

The provisions of the Companies and Associations Code which are legally binding are considered to form part of these statutes, and any clauses contrary to the Companies and Associations Code are considered null and void.

Article 37. Working languages

The languages used in official communications of the association are English and French. If there is a difference in interpretation, the French version will take precedence.

Statutes approved by the Extraordinary General Assembly of the Union of International Associations on 27 November 2023 and published in the Moniteur belge on 12 June 2024

Union des Associations Internationales (UAI) / Union of International Associations (UIA) / Unie van de Internationale Verenigingen (UIV)

TITRE Ier - Dénomination, siège, objet

Art. 1er Dénomination

L'organisation internationale, constituée à Bruxelles en 1907 en «Office central des institutions internationales », devenue fédération en 1910, lors du premier congrès mondial des associations internationales sous le nom d'« Union des associations internationales » (UAI) - en anglais « Union of International Associations (UIA)» -modifiée en Institut en 1953, est dotée de la personnalité civile, conformément à la loi belge du 25 octobre 1919 sur les associations internationales à but scientifique, par arrêté royal du 2 juillet 1920.

Art. 2 Siège

L'UAI a son siège légal en Belgique rue Washington 40, 1050 Bruxelles. Des secrétariats auxiliaires pourront être ouverts ailleurs par le Conseil.

Art. 3 Objet

L'UAI est une organisation internationale non gouvernementale à but scientifique, non lucratif, menant des activités telles que : recherche, études, d'information, de consultation, de promotion et de services.

Elle a pour objet:

  • de concourir à un ordre universel fondé sur des principes de dignité humaine, de solidarité des peuples et de libre communication,
  • d'entreprendre et de favoriser la recherche et les études sur les réseaux associatifs transnationaux, considérés comme composante essentielle de la société contemporaine,
  • de recueillir et diffuser la documentation la plus complète possible sur les organisations et associations internationales, tant gouvernementales que non gouvernementales et sur les formes nouvelles de coopération transnationale,
  • de recueillir et diffuser la documentation sur les diverses réunions organisées par les structures internationales,
  • de favoriser et entreprendre toute action en vue de promouvoir le développement et I'efficacité des réseaux non gouvernementaux, le dialogue entre les agents du système international et la coopération inter associative,
  • d'étudier, recenser, analyser, comparer et visualiser les problèmes mondiaux tels qu'ils sont perçus par les organisations internationales.

TITRE II. - Membres honoraires, membres actifs, membres associés

Art. 4 Membres honoraires

Personnalités auxquelles l'assemblée générale confère le titre en considération de leur grande compétence ou en reconnaissance de services éminents rendus à l'U.A.I. Les Membres honoraires peuvent démissioner moyennant notification par écrit au Conseil.

Art 5 Membres actifs

L'UAI se compose de membres actifs, choisis sans distinction de nationalité, de race, de sexe, de croyance religieuse, ni d'appartenance à des groupements idéologiques, politiques ou professionnels, parmi les personnalités qui s'intéressent particulièrement à l'objet de l'organisation, sans que plus d'un cinquième puisse appartenir à une même nationalité.

Seuls ces membres participent à la direction et à la gestion de l'organisation; ils sont admis sur proposition du Conseil, soit en séance de I'Assemblée, soit par un vote par correspondance.

Le Conseil peut décider d'une cotisation annuelle.

Les membres actifs qui auraient manqué de donner réponse aux invitations à deux Assemblées successives pourront, dans un délai de six mois à compter de la tenue de la seconde Assemblée, être considérés par le Conseil comme démissionnaires. Le Conseil peut mettre fin au statut d'un ou de plusieurs de ses membres actifs.

Les Membres actifs peuvent démissionner moyennant notification par écrit au Conseil.

Art. 6 Membres associés

Les organisations, fondations, institutions, entreprises et en général les organismes ou personnes, sans distinction de nationalité, de race, de sexe, de croyance religieuse ou d'appartenance à des groupements idéologiques, politiques ou professionnels qui s'intéressent aux buts et aux activités de 1'organisation et sont désireux de lui apporter leur appui moral ou leur collaboration effective, peuvent être agréés en qualité de membre associé par le Conseil et en porter le titre. Le montant de la cotisation est fixé par le Conseil. Le titre de membre associé et le versement de la cotisation donnent un droit exclusif à certains services de I'UAI.

Sur recommandation du conseil, l'assemblée générale peut mettre fin au statut d'un ou de plusieurs membres associés.

Les Membres associés peuvent démissionner moyennant notification par écrit au Conseil.

TITRE III. - Organes

Art. 7 Assemblée générale

L'Assemblée générale se compose de tous les membres actifs. Elle se réunit tous les deux ans. Elle peut être convoquée en outre à tout moment par décision du Conseil ou à la demande d'un quart des membres actifs.

Les membres actifs, non présents peuvent se faire représenter par un autre membre actif de leur choix. Ils peuvent aussi voter par voie électronique. Un membre actif ne peut avoir plus de cinq délégations.

L'Assemblée générale vote à la majorité simple des membres actifs présents et représentés, à moins qu'il en soit décidé autrement dans les présents statuts. Seuls les votes pour ou contre sont pris en considération.

L'Assemblée est valablement constituée à sa première convocation par la présence d'un tiers des membres actifs présents ou représentés: en conformité avec les modalités électroniques spécifiées au règlement intérieur, en deuxième convocation, elle est valablement constituée quel que soit le nombre des membres actifs présents ou représentés. L'Assemblée générale a tous les pouvoirs nécessaires à la réalisation de I'objet de l'association.

Les décisions de l'assemblée générale sont portées à la connaissance des membres actifs par voie électronique.

Art. 8 Conseil

L'organisation est supervisée par un Conseil. Celui-ci est composé d'un minimum de 15 et d'un maximum de 21 membres actifs, élus par l'Assemblée Générale.

Leur mandat est en principe de quatre ans, la moitié du Conseil étant renouvelée à chaque Assemblée générale ordinaire.

Les membres du Conseil peuvent se faire remplacer par un autre membre du Conseil et lui déléguer leurs pouvoirs. Un membre du Conseil ne pourra avoir plus de trois délégations.

Le Conseil délibère valablement si un tiers de ses membres sont présent ou représentés par procuration et ses décisions sont prises par simple majorité des membres présents ou représentés selon les modalités électroniques spécifiées au règlement intérieur. Seuls les votes pour ou contre sont pris en considération.

En cas de partage, la voix du Président est prépondérante.

Le Conseil a tout pouvoir de gestion, d'administration et de disposition des actifs, sous réserve de limitation imposée par l'assemblée générale. Il peut déléguer certains de ses pouvoirs au bureau du Conseil ou à un comité restreint nommé par lui parmi ses membres.

Les minutes du Conseil, signées par le Président ou par deux membres du Conseil, sont conservées comme rapports officiels.

Art. 9 Bureau du Conseil

Le Conseil élit parmi ses membres un président, trois vice-présidents, un trésorier général et un secrétaire général qui constituent le Bureau.

Le président et le secrétaire général sont chargés de la direction de I'UAI et de I'exécution des décisions prises par le Conseil ou le Bureau.

Le président et le secrétaire général représentent I'UAI dans toutes les actions judiciaires, tant actives que passives, comme demandeurs ou défendeurs.

Les responsabilités du Bureau sont redéfinies par le Conseil. ( transféré au règlement intérieur )

Art. 10 Trésorier général et vérificateur des comptes

Chaque année, le trésorier général transmet aux membres du Conseil le relevé des comptes approuvés par un vérificateur professionnel. Le trésorier général soumet pour examen au Conseil le relevé des comptes et les prévisions budgétaires, Le trésorier général présente, à chaque session ordinaire de I'Assemblée générale, pour approbation, un rapport financier portant sur I'exercice écoulé depuis I'Assemblée précédente, ainsi que les prévisions budgétaires pour I'exercice à venir.

Art. 11 Commissions spéciales

l'Assemblée générale ou le Conseil peut établir et clore des commissions spéciales, composées de personnes qualifiées, préparées à entreprendre des tâches particulières nécessaires au développement de l'U.A.I.

Les rapports ou résolutions des commissions spéciales sont soumis au Conseil qui peut, s'il le considère opportun, prendre les mesures nécessaires à l'accomplissement des voeux exprimés par les commissions ou à la réalisation de leurs recommandations.

Art. 12 - Secrétariat

Les activités administratives et opérationnelles seront effectuées au secrétariat de l'UAI, où toute la correspondance officielle devra être adressée. Le Secrétaire général, agissant au nom du Conseil, sauvegardera les intérêts de l'UAI, en tous temps et à tous égards.

Le Secrétaire général nommera les membres du Secrétariat pouvant agir en son nom ainsi que les membres du Secrétariat (ou des consultants individuels) pour la conduite précise des tâches de l'UAI. Le Secrétaire général est chargé de générer les revenus susceptibles de soutenir et développer les opérations de l'UAI et peut prendre les décisions stratégiques en utilisant les ressources disponibles à cette fin, sous réserve de ratification ultérieure par le Conseil.

Le Secrétaire général peut prendre des décisions sur des matières urgentes qui sont normalement de la compétence du Conseil ou du Bureau lorsque, pour des raisons particulières, le Conseil ne peut se réunir ou le Président ne peut être consulté. Pareilles décisions seront soumises, pour ratification, amendement ou appel, à la session suivante du Conseil et le Président sera tenu informé aussitôt que possible.

Le Secrétariat élabore les projets de programme et de budget de l'UAI. Il assure la mise en oeuvre des décisions de l'Assemblée générale et du Conseil. Il soumet au Conseil les rapports d'activité et financiers relatifs aux activités mises en oeuvres.

Art 13 - Langues de travail

Les langues utilisées dans les communications officielles de l'organisation sont l'anglais et le français. En cas de doute, le français aura la préséance.

TITRE IV. - Ressources

Art. 14 Moyens financiers

Les moyens financiers dont dispose I'organisation comprennent notamment:

  1. Les cotisations des membres actifs et associés, fixées par le Conseil ,étant entendu que la responsabilité de ceux-ci ne pourra jamais être engagée au-delà de cette contribution.
  2. La rétribution des contrats de recherche, d'étude, de consultations passés avec des membres, des organisations internationales, des institutions publiques ou privées.
  3. Les subsides d'organisations internationales, d'autorités publiques ou privées.
  4. Les dons et legs.
  5. Le produit des ventes de publications et de services.

TITRE V. - Modification des statuts, dissolution

Art. 15.

Les présents statuts peuvent être révisés en tout temps par une Assemblée générale extraordinaire des membres convoquée à l'initiative du Conseil ou à la demande d'un quart des membres.

Le Conseil doit porter à la connaissance des membres, au moins trois mois à l'avance, la date de I'Assemblée générale extraordinaire qui statuera sur ladite proposition.

L'Assemblée générale extraordinaire ne peut valablement délibérer que si elle réunit les deux tiers des membres présents ou représentés : par procuration ou conformément aux modalités électroniques spécifiées dans le règlement intérieur.

Aucune décision ne sera acquise si elle n'est votée à la majorité des deux tiers des voix, seuls les votes pour ou contre étant pris en considération.

Toutefois, si cette Assemblée ne réunit pas les deux tiers des membres actifs, une nouvelle Assemblée générale extraordinaire sera convoquée dans les mêmes conditions que ci-dessus, qui statuera définitivement et valablement sur la proposition en cause quel que soit le nombre de membres présents ou représentés.

L'Assemblée générale extraordinaire fixera le mode de dissolution et de liquidation de I'association.

Texte des statuts révisés en 2005