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Agriculture, Fisheries → Invertebrate Culture

UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 15: Life on Land

Organizations relating to Invertebrate Culture

Balkan Federation of Apicultural Associations / Bucharest, Romania
Association of Caribbean Beekeepers Organisations / Hope Village, Trinidad-Tobago / Est. 2002
Beekeeping Network North-South / Liège, Belgium
Commission permanente des congrès internationaux d'apiculture / Est. 1897
Red Latinoamericana de Lombricultura
Federación Latinoamericana de Apicultura / Concepción, Chile / Est. 2008
Arab Beekeeping Association
International Association for Apiary Development, Sri Lanka
World Wide Vermiculture / Est. 1976
Beekeepers' Committee of the Six EEC Countries / Est. 1959
International Beekeeping Bureau for Socialist Countries / Est. 1960
World Centre for the Advancement of Apiculture in Developing Countries / Gerrards Cross, UK
West African Beekeepers Association
ApiTrade Africa / Kampala, Uganda / Est. 2008
Fundatia Institutul International de Tehnologie si Economie Apicola / Bucharest, Romania / Est. 1970
Asian Apicultural Association / Beijing, China / Est. 1992
Global Honey Organization / Lugano, Switzerland / Est. 2024
International Sericultural Commission / Bengaluru, India / Est. 1948
European Professional Beekeepers Association / Willingen, Germany / Est. 1997
International Bee Research Association / Monmouth, UK / Est. 1949

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