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Recreation → Animal Sports

Organizations relating to Animal Sports

International Federation of Horseracing Authorities / Boulogne-Billancourt, France / Est. 1993
World Greyhound Racing Federation / Est. 1971
Asian Equestrian Federation / Seoul, Korea Rep
Confederación Hipica del Caribe / Caracas, Venezuela / Est. 1974
Association européenne des chasses traditionnelles / Aix-en-Provence, France
Association internationale des étudiants cavaliers / Est. 1984
International Professional Hunters Association / Boerne TX, USA / Est. 1969
International Jumping Officials Club / Dollar, UK / Est. 1998
Federation of Associations for Hunting and Conservation of the EU / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1977
Asian Racing Federation / Hong Kong, Hong Kong / Est. 1960
International Dressage Officials Club / Brecht, Belgium / Est. 1990
World Atlatl Association / Cheyenne WY, USA / Est. 1987
International Equestrian Organisers' Alliance / Kortrijk, Belgium / Est. 1995
International Side-Saddle Organization / Stevensville MD, USA / Est. 1974
Safari Club International / Tucson AZ, USA / Est. 1971
Ahl-Ul-Bait World Assembly / Teheran, Iran Islamic Rep / Est. 1991
International Anti-Hunting Committee / Turin, Italy / Est. 1970
Comité européen de la grande chasse / Est. 1976
Association des chasseurs professionnels d'Afrique francophone
Club international des concours hippiques / Est. 1878
Fédération européenne des chasseurs à l'arc / Aubervilliers, France
Arab Angling Federation
International Council Against Bullfighting / Est. 1958
Arab Equestrian Federation
Fly Fishers International / Livingston MT, USA / Est. 1965
FIPS Casting / Berlin, Germany
International Bowhunting Organization / Vermillion OH, USA / Est. 1984
Hunt Saboteurs Association / London, UK / Est. 1963
Regulations for Maritime Hunting Operations in the Waters of the South Pacific / Est. 1952
Benelux Convention on the Hunting and Protection of Birds / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1970
Convention on the Game Hunting Formalities Applicable to Tourists Entering Countries in the Conseil de L'entente / Est. 1976
Protocol Amending the Benelux Convention on the Hunting and Protection of Birds / Est. 1977
Protocol amending the Benelux Convention on the Hunting and Protection of Birds, 2016 / Est. 2016
World Sidesaddle Federation / Est. 1980
International Marco Polo Centre, Korcula / Korcula, Croatia / Est. 1997
International Event Riders Association
International Fly Fishing Houffalize / Houffalize, Belgium
International Ghost Hunters Society / Crooked River Ranch OR, USA
World Bowhunting Association
International Spin Fishing Association / Est. 1953
International Bowfishing Association / Lino Lakes MN, USA
Europäischen Hundesport Union / Salzburg, Austria / Est. 1971
Ligue tauromachique internationale
Hurlingham Polo Association / Faringdon, UK / Est. 1949
Harness Horsemen International / Robbinsville NJ, USA / Est. 1964
Caribbean Gamefishing Association
World Championship Cutter and Chariot Racing Association / Ogden UT, USA / Est. 1964
Asian Game Fishing Federation
International Fly Fishing Association / Dublin, Ireland
South East Asian Equestrian Federation / Est. 2008

View all profiles (141 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Animal Sports

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Hunting of animals
Animal fighting sports
Hunting of marine animals
Intrusive animal-rights campaigners
Fox hunting
Cruel sports
Exploitation of animals for amusement
Maltreatment of performing animals
Hunt sabotage

Action Strategies relating to Animal Sports

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Protesting hunting of animals
Monitoring fisheries activities on the high seas
Regulating hunting of marine mammals
Hunting with respect
Conserving wild animals through hunting
Controlling hunting
Encouraging hunting
Prohibiting hunting of protected and endangered species
Policing hunting of protected and endangered species
Improving enforcement against game poaching
Judging sports
Publishing international angling regulations

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