Amenities → Beauticians
Organizations relating to Beauticians
Internationale des coiffeurs de dames / Paris, France / Est. 1925
European Federation of Hairdressers
International Hairdressers' Federation / Est. 1907
International Hairstylists Society / Hobart TAS, Australia / Est. 1956
Association of Professional Piercers / Lawrence KS, USA
International Estheticians Association
Institut supérieur international du parfum, de la cosmétique et de l'aromatique alimentaire / Versailles, France
Council of the Chinese Hairstylists and Beauticians International / Kowloon, Hong Kong
Organisation artistique internationale de la coiffure
Common Market Committee of the International Confederation of the Hairdressing Trade / Paris, France / Est. 1959
Nordic Hairdressers' Association / Copenhagen, Denmark / Est. 1937
Aestheticians International Association / Garland TX, USA / Est. 1972
World Hairdressers' Organization / Garden City NY, USA / Est. 1946
International Federation of Aesthetic and Beauty / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1978
European Confederation of Professional Beauticians and Cosmeticians / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1995
Barbers, Beauticians and Allied Industries International Association / Est. 1887
International Association of Hairdressing Schools / Gothenburg, Sweden / Est. 1998
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