Recreation → Writing
Writing is the act of creating a persistent representation of human language. A writing system uses a set of symbols and rules to encode aspects of spoken language, such as its lexicon and syntax. However, written language may take on characteristics distinct from those of any spoken language.
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Organizations relating to Writing
Baltic Writers' Council / Visby, Sweden / Est. 1992
European Writing Centers Association / Lódz, Poland / Est. 1998
Pan African Writers Association / Accra, Ghana / Est. 1989
Société internationale rencesvals / Liège, Belgium / Est. 1955
Middle East - North Africa Writing Centers Alliance / Est. 2007
Pan-African Composers' and Songwriters' Alliance / Johannesburg, South Africa / Est. 2010
Alianza Latinoamericana de Compositores y Autores de Música / Est. 2012
International Alexander Lernet-Holenia Society / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1998
International Dostoevsky Society / Est. 1971
Europäische Autorenvereinigung "DIE KOGGE" / Minden, Germany / Est. 1924
New Chaucer Society / St Louis MO, USA
International Reynard Society / Zurich, Switzerland / Est. 1975
Blaise Cendrars International Society / Chartres, France / Est. 1978
Arab Centre for Arabization, Translation, Authorship and Publication / Est. 1990
International Council of Music Authors / Neuilly-sur-Seine, France / Est. 1966
Foundation of SAARC Writers and Literature / Delhi, India / Est. 1975
International Affiliation of Writers' Guilds / Est. 1986
World Haiku Club / Bicester, UK / Est. 1998
Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Society / Oxford, UK / Est. 1977
International Authors Forum / London, UK
Tolstoy Foundation / Valley Cottage NY, USA / Est. 1939
Poetics and Linguistics Association / Birmingham, UK
International A S Pushkin Foundation / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1999
La Loggia - International Centre of Dramatic Writing / Corazzano, Italy / Est. 1994
Pacific Writing Forum / Suva, Fiji / Est. 1997
International Writing Centers Association / Carlsbad CA, USA / Est. 1983
Reading and Writing Foundation / The Hague, Netherlands / Est. 2004
Nordic Union of Popular Writers / Est. 1949
Union des écrivains et artistes latins / Est. 1957
Afro-Asian Writers' Association / Est. 1958
Association internationale des écrivains de langue française / Est. 1932
International Association of Authors, Composers and Writers
Fédération des associations des écrivains de l'Afrique de l'ouest / Est. 1987
European Literature, Music and Poetry Association
International Association of Poetry / Est. 1949
Inter-American Federation of Societies of Authors and Composers / Est. 1941
Latin American Federation of Writers
Conseil international des auteurs littéraires
International Union of Revolutionary Writers / Est. 1925
European Committee of Writers / Est. 1960
European Association of Writers, 1941 / Est. 1941
International Poetry Guild
International Congress of Writers in Defence of Culture / Est. 1935
Red Latinoamericana de Centros y Programas de Escritura / Est. 2014
Asociación Latinoamericana de Estudios de la Escritura en Educación Superior y Contextos Profesionales / Est. 2016
Writers International and Friends of Literature and Culture Association / Haifa, Israel / Est. 1999
World Congress of Poets / San Jose CA, USA / Est. 1973
Tennyson Society / Lincoln, UK / Est. 1960
Institut international Charles Perrault / Eaubonne, France / Est. 1994
Jane Austen Society / Henfield, UK / Est. 1940
View all profiles (330 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Writing
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialJournalistic irresponsibility
Repetitive strain injuries
Action Strategies relating to Writing
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialStorytelling
Preparing national environmental synopses
Writing letters
Advancing technical writing
Learning basic linguistic skills
Teaching basic literacy prowess
Writing comprehensive curricula
Proclaiming community history
Writing lyrics
Creating programme proposals
Writing off bad loans
Writing children's literature
Cancelling international debt
Improving ability to write
Providing variety of writing scripts
Producing literature
Encouraging french language writers
Achieving world peace through poetry
Encouraging christian writers
Providing authors
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