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Commerce → Savings

Organizations relating to Savings

European Savings Institute / Paris, France / Est. 1999
Société Ouest Africaine de Gestion d'Actifs / Cotonou, Benin / Est. 2001
International Savings Agreement / Est. 1984
Agreement Concerning the International Savings Bank Service, 1969 / Est. 1969
Agreement Concerning the International Savings Bank Service, 1957 / Est. 1957
Agreement Concerning the International Savings Bank Service, 1964 / Est. 1964
Comité pour le développement de l'épargne mobilière
Groupement international pour l'étude des problèmes de l'épargne / Est. 1962
Programme d'appui à la mobilisation de l'épargne dans la francophonie
International Liaison Committee on Cooperative Thrift and Credit / Est. 1970
Institut de droit international de l'épargne, des virements et du crédit
Association coopérative financière des fonctionnaires internationaux / Luxembourg, Luxembourg / Est. 1990
Autorité des marchés financiers de l’Union monétaire ouest-africaine / Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire / Est. 1996
African Confederation of Cooperative Savings and Credit Associations / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 1968
European Savings and Retail Banking Group / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1963
Slum Dwellers International / Cape Town, South Africa / Est. 1996
World Savings Banks Institute / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1994

View all profiles (35 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Savings

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Inadequate domestic savings
Inappropriate loans
Bank failure

Action Strategies relating to Savings

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Fostering increased personal savings
Organizing national and international savings and credit
Encouraging saving in developed countries
Introducing savings loan service
Improving savings
Improving domestic savings
Providing sufficient savings structures
Promoting cooperative savings
Mobilizing personal savings
Developing agricultural savings and credit institutions

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