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UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Organizations relating to Towns

International Association of Peace Messenger Cities / Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia / Est. 1988
World Historic and Cultural Canal Cities Cooperation Organization / Yangzhou, China / Est. 2009
Association des Villes et Régions Hôtes d'Expositions Internationales / Paris, France / Est. 2002
Federación Latinoamericana de Ciudades, Municipios y Asociaciones de Gobiernos Locales / Mexico City, Mexico / Est. 1981
Association européenne des villes de la toison d'or / Rosières, Belgium / Est. 1970
European Historic Thermal Towns Association / Spa, Belgium / Est. 2009
Smart City Business America Institute / Sao Paulo, Brazil / Est. 2013
SEAMEO Regional Training Centre, Ho Chi Minh City / Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam / Est. 1996
WHO European Healthy Cities Network / Copenhagen, Denmark / Est. 1988
CIVITAS / Szentendre, Hungary / Est. 2002
League of Canaanite, Phoenician and Punic Cities / Paris, France
United Cities and Local Governments Middle East and West Asia / Istanbul, Türkiye / Est. 2004
Fair Trade Towns International
International Coalition of Cities against Racism / Paris, France / Est. 2004
International Assembly of Capitals and Cities / Est. 1998
Clean Air Initiative for Cities Around the World / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1998
Réseau VERTECH CITY / Namur, Belgium / Est. 1992
Auroville Foundation / Rajapalayam, India / Est. 1968
Arab Towns Development Fund / Kaifan, Kuwait / Est. 1979
Globalization and World Cities Research Network / Loughborough, UK
Red Mercociudades / Montevideo, Uruguay / Est. 1995
Open City International Foundation / Matawan NJ, USA
International Cities of Peace / Dayton OH, USA / Est. 2009
World Smart Capital Initiative
City to City Europe
Future Convention Cities Initiative / Seoul, Korea Rep / Est. 2010
Child in the City Foundation
International Centre for Sustainable Cities, Vancouver / Vancouver BC, Canada / Est. 1993
Sister Cities International / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1956
Art Cities in Europe / Konstanz, Germany / Est. 1994
Center of Asian and Pacific Studies, Iowa City / Iowa City IA, USA / Est. 1986
Raymond Lemaire International Centre for the Conservation of Historic Towns and Buildings / Leuven, Belgium / Est. 1976
Renaissance des cités d'Europe / Bordeaux, France / Est. 1987
Advanced Networked Cities and Regions Association / Est. 1996
International Association of City Museums
International Association of the Cities Against Drugs / Est. 1992
International Association of the Organizations and Congress Cities of the States Interested in the Mediterranean
Fédération internationale des quartiers anciens / Est. 1964
Association internationale des villes
Union of Caribbean Towns / Est. 1980
World Conscience
Congrès international de l'hygiène des villes / Est. 1931
Mediterranean Towns and Territories Association / Est. 1992
International Association of Towns of the Future / Est. 1985
Ibero-American Municipal Secretariat / Madrid, Spain / Est. 1955
World Assembly of Islamic Cities / Est. 2013
Green World City Organisation / Sydney NSW, Australia
Asian Cities Against Drugs / Melaka, Malaysia
International League of Democracy Cities / Est. 2018

View all profiles (336 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Towns

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Urban road traffic congestion
Urban-industrial air pollution
Urban slums
Disruptive rural to urban migration
Uncontrolled physical expansion of cities
Attenuation of group relationships
Lack of sanitation in cities
Divided cities
Excessive office space in cities
Urban psychosis
Defective municipal water delivery equipment
Breakdown of local community cohesion
Limited availability of permanent employment in inner-cities
Inadequate small-town business skills
Urban poverty
Unhealthy cities
Megacity crisis
Environmental degradation of inner city areas
Ecological footprint of cities
Sedentary city lifestyles
Inadequate town planning
Untapped potential for retail trade in small towns

Action Strategies relating to Towns

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Creating sustainable cities
Facilitating urban regeneration
Assessing environmental impacts of growth of intermediate cities
Strengthening national and local capacity for managing rapidly growing cities
Participating in international sustainable city networks
Protecting inner-city slum renters
Integrating management of city water supplies
Improving water pollution control capacities in large cities
Upgrading settlements and urban slums
Greening urban environments
Improving services infrastructure in poor urban areas
Planning cities
Improving rural living conditions to reduce migration to cities
Adopting integrated policies for management of cities
Managing divided cities
Developing urban ecovillages
Improving health conditions in slums
Supporting intermediate city development
Creating car-free cities
Using a city-wide approach to resources management
Developing sanitation for low-income city areas
Hardening urban fringe
Developing smart communities
Twinning towns
Twinning communities

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