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Organizations relating to Horses

World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses / Mårslet, Denmark / Est. 1994
European Conference of Arab Horse Organizations / Libis, Czechia
Organización Sudamericana de Fomento del Pura Sangre de Carrera / Buenos Aires, Argentina / Est. 1958
Federation of European Equine Veterinary Associations / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1999
European Federation of Thoroughbred Breeders' Associations / Boulogne, France / Est. 1994
International Buckskin Horse Association / Shelby IN, USA / Est. 1971
Euro Pony Club / Kecskemét, Hungary / Est. 1989
International Trotting and Pacing Association / Auburn IN, USA / Est. 1964
Comité européen des chevaux de débardage / Libramont, Belgium / Est. 1999
International Society for Equine Locomotor Pathology / Newtown CT, USA
Nordiska Hovvårdsförbundet
Confédération internationale du cheval / Est. 1949
International Pony Breeders Federation / Est. 1951
Ibero-American Equine Veterinary Association / Curitiba, Brazil
International Generic Horse Association / San Pedro CA, USA / Est. 1975
World Equine Organization / Est. 1998
International Equine Institute / Limerick, Ireland / Est. 1993
International Society for the Protection of Mustangs and Burros / Rapid City SD, USA / Est. 1960
International Quarter Pony Association / Sherwood OR, USA / Est. 1995
European Equine and Canine Osteopathy Academy / Béziers, France
European Institute for Equine Physiology / Losheim, Germany
International Miniature Trotting and Pacing Association / Moody TX, USA / Est. 1992
European Horse Hosting Centre / Colfontaine, Belgium
Zebra Information Centre / Est. 1988
Spanish-Barb Breeders Association International / Anthony FL, USA / Est. 1972
European Congregation for the Promotion of Arabian Horses / Balen, Belgium
International Miniature Horse Registry / Est. 1976
World Equine Health Network
Europese Drafeigenaars / Olsene-Zulte, Belgium
International Shrine Horse Patrols / Oxford PA, USA
International Association of Equine Professionals / Wildomar CA, USA
International Association of Equine Dentistry / Millers Tavern VA, USA / Est. 1987
International Spotted Pony Club / Hartwell GA, USA / Est. 1974
International Colored Appaloosa Association / Shipshewana IN, USA / Est. 1991
Western International Walking Horse Association / Auburn WA, USA / Est. 1980
International Arabian Horse Association / Est. 1950
Mustang Owners Club International / Albuquerque NM, USA / Est. 1975
International Horse Travel Organization / Liège, Belgium
International Halter-Pleasure Quarter Horse Association
Strasser Worldwide Institute for Holistic Horse and Hoofcare / Tübingen, Germany
Nordic Equine Veterinary Conference
Nordic College of Equine Dentistry
Pyramid Society Europe / Windeby, Germany
European Draught Horse Federation / Schoos, Luxembourg / Est. 2003
International Federation of Registered Equine Massage Therapists / Est. 1996
International Trotting Association / Westerville OH, USA / Est. 1938
International Association for Horse Assisted Education / Knüllwald, Germany / Est. 2004
Lipizzan International Federation / Varazdin, Croatia / Est. 1986
World Horse Welfare / Snetterton, UK / Est. 1927
International Symposium on Equine Reproduction / Loughborough, UK

View all profiles (69 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Horses

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Venezuelan equine fever
Unexplained livestock mutilation
Horse diseases
African horse sickness

Action Strategies relating to Horses

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Conserving endangered equids
Protecting horses
Raising quality equine stock
Treating infected horses
Treating lameness in horses
Rehabilitating damaged horses
Breeding horses
Caring for horses

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