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Plant Life → Vegetables

Organizations relating to Vegetables

African Potato Association / Addis Ababa, Ethiopia / Est. 1983
Union des féculeries de pommes de terre de l'Union européenne / Est. 1960
ASEAN-AVRDC Regional Network on Vegetable Research and Development / Tainan, Taiwan / Est. 1999
International Potato Center / Lima, Peru / Est. 1971
Southern Africa Bean Research Network / Lilongwe, Malawi / Est. 1987
Pan-African Bean Research Alliance / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 1996
Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture / Crawley WA, Australia / Est. 1992
World Soy Foundation / St Louis MO, USA / Est. 2006
International Licensing Platform Vegetable / The Hague, Netherlands / Est. 2014
World Allium Association / Est. 1999
International Committee for Concerted Action Against Potato Blight / Est. 1936
Organisation européenne des industries de la conserve de légumes / Est. 1958
International Association for Quality Research on Food Plants / Est. 1955
International Pulse Trade and Industry Confederation - Standing EEC Committee / Est. 1963
East and Central African Bean Research Network
Potato and Sweet Potato Research Network of Eastern and Central Africa / Est. 1984
International Soybean Program / Urbana IL, USA / Est. 1973
World Tomato Society / Los Gatos CA, USA
Lentil Experimental News Service
Programa Cooperativo de Frijol de Centroamérica, México y el Caribe / Guatemala, Guatemala / Est. 1978
Caribbean Roots and Tubers Network / St Augustine, Trinidad-Tobago
CIAT Andean Zone Network for Bean Research / Est. 1988
International Bean Yield and Adaptation Nursery / Cali, Colombia
West Asian Legume Research Network
International Legume Database and Information Service / Est. 1991
Caribbean Vegetable Network / St Augustine, Trinidad-Tobago
European Inter-Professional Garlic Committee, Paris
International Association for Education, Development and Distribution of Lesser Known Food Plants and Trees / Camalu, Mexico
European Cooperative Research Network on Soybean / Est. 1976
West and Central Africa Cowpea Research Network / Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Asian Sweetpotato and Potato Research and Development Network
Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam Vegetable Research Network
Eastern and Southern Africa Rootcrops Research Network / Lilongwe, Malawi
Collaborative Network for Vegetable Research and Development in Central America
Pan Arab Committee for Tomato Products / Baghdad, Iraq
Collaborative Network for Vegetable Research and Development in Southern Africa
Liaison Bureau for Manufacturers of Vegetable and Synthetic Glue in the EEC Countries / Est. 1968
International Allium Network
International Pumpkin Association / Est. 1970
Association of Common Market Potato Breeders / Est. 1964
North African Legume Research Network
Faba Bean Information Services
Four Arrows / Ottawa ON, Canada / Est. 1968
Committee of the Potato Trade of Countries of the EEC / Est. 1952
World Pumpkin Confederation / Hamburg NY, USA / Est. 1983
Permanent International Committee of Congresses of Comparative Pathology / Paris, France / Est. 1912
Roots International - Rebirth of Old Time Truths and Systems, USA / New York NY, USA
Network of African Traditional Vegetables
Global Initiative on Late Blight / Est. 1996

View all profiles (134 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Vegetables

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Occupational hazards of vegetable dusts
Instability of soybean trade
Pests and diseases of potato
Physically unfit soldiers

Action Strategies relating to Vegetables

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Growing nitrogen-fixing plants
Planting perennial vegetables
Growing food in urban areas
Planting vegetables
Conserving vegetables
Honouring meaningful ancestral roots
Upholding traditions
Proclaiming community history
Strengthening cultural roots
Putting down roots
Increasing consumption of vegetables and fruit
Conserving vulnerable vegetable germplasm
Marketing vegetables
Storing vegetables and fruits

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