Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Goal 8 is about promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all.

Multiple crises are placing the global economy under serious threat. Global real GDP per capita growth is forecast to slow down in 2023 and with ever increasing challenging economic conditions, more workers are turning to informal employment.

Globally, labour productivity has increased and the unemployment rate has decreased. However, more progress is needed to increase employment opportunities, especially for young people, reduce informal employment and labour market inequality (particularly in terms of the gender pay gap), promote safe and secure working environments, and improve access to financial services to ensure sustained and inclusive economic growth.

The global unemployment rate declined significantly in 2022, falling to 5.4 per cent from a peak of 6.6 per cent in 2020 as economies began recovering from the shock of the COVID-19 pandemic. This rate was lower than the pre-pandemic level of 5.5 per cent in 2019.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II

Clarence Foundation

1999 Oakland CA USA N f

Clean Clothes Campaign

CCC 1990 Amsterdam Netherlands F

Clean Cooking Alliance

2010 Washington DC USA E

Clean Up the World

CUW 1993 Darlinghurst NSW Australia F

Clerics Regular of Somasca

Somascan Fathers 1534 Rome Italy R

CLG Europe

2007 Brussels Belgium G

Climate Ledger Initiative

CLI 2016 Zurich Switzerland E

ClimateWorks Foundation

2008 San Francisco CA USA F fy

Cliometric Society

1983 La Crosse WI USA G

Close the Gap International

2003 Brussels Belgium G

Cloud Community Europe

Luxembourg Luxembourg D

Club des dirigeants des banques et établissements de crédit d'Afrique francophone

1989 Libreville Gabon F

Club du CEPII

1982 Paris France G

Club Management Association of Europe

CMAE 2001 Coventry UK D

Club travail études et loisirs internationaux

CLUB TELI 1991 Seynod France N

Clubhouse International

1994 New York NY USA F

Cluster Pulse Network

Ahmedabad India N

Clusterize - Business Roaming Agreement

BRA Karlsruhe Germany J

CMI – Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation

2000 Helsinki Finland G

CNCD Opération 11 11 11

1966 Brussels Belgium G

Co-operative College

1919 Manchester UK G f

Co-operative Housing International

CHI 1952 Ottawa ON Canada E

CO2 Value Europe

CVE 2017 Brussels Belgium D

Coaches Across Continents

CAC 2008 Watertown MA USA G

Coalition for Energy Savings

Brussels Belgium F y

Coalition for Fair Fisheries Agreements

CFFA 1992 Brussels Belgium E

Coalition of Agricultural Workers International

CAWI 2005 Penang Malaysia C y

Coalition of Fragile Ecosystems

COFE 2017 J

Codex Alimentarius Commission

CAC 1962 Rome Italy E g

Cohesion Fund

1992 Brussels Belgium F fg

Coiffure EU

2005 Ghent Belgium D


1973 Rungis France E

Collaborative Intergovernmental Scientific Research Institute

CISRI 2000 Novara Italy E gj

Collaborative Working Group on Solid Waste Management in Low- and Middle-income Countries

CWG St Gallen Switzerland F

Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education

CJBE 1998 Detroit MI USA G

Collectif d'études et de recherches sur les civilisations slaves

CERCS Pessac France N

Collectif interafricain des habitants

CIAH Yaoundé Cameroon G

Collectif Stratégies Alimentaires

CSA 1984 Brussels Belgium G

Collective Security Treaty Organization

CSTO 2002 Moscow Russia E g

College of African Wildlife Management, Mweka

CAWM Moshi Tanzania UR G

Colloque international de prévention des risques professionnels du bâtiment et des travaux publics

Lisbon Portugal S ct

Colombo Plan for Cooperative Economic and Social Development in Asia and the Pacific

CPS 1950 Colombo Sri Lanka F g

Colombo Plan Staff College

CPSC 1973 Pasig City Philippines F g

COMESA Business Council

CBC Lusaka Zambia E

COMESA Federation of National Associations of Women in Business

COMFWB 1993 Lilongwe Malawi D


1975 Dublin Ireland G


1975 Dublin Ireland G

Comic Relief

1985 London UK G

Comisión de Pesca en Pequeña Escala, Artesanal y Acuicultura de América Latina y el Caribe

COPPESAALC 1976 Santiago Chile E g

Comisión Juridica para el Autodesarrollo de los Pueblos Originarios Andinos

CAPAJ 1993 Tacna Peru E
